Leave the door open

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Me and leslie went out to get our nails done its honestly been the first time im weeks that I've been out the house other than work.

"So how you been boo?"

"I don't know sis I'm just afraid of every little thing now that shit was really traumatizing to my soul you know?"

"I know the feeling. Have you talked to anyone about this?" she asked.

"No and I don't think I want to."

"Maybe that might help." She said.

"I dont know I don't wanna feel like a victim Les like nobody understands what happened to me."

"I know I can never fully understand what happened to you but you need to hell you can't let these feelings get in the way of your happiness thats not healthy baby."

I took a deep breath knowing that she's right.

"I know I promise I will think about It okay?"

"Okay I'll even come with you if that makes you feel any better." She said.

"It would but lets change the subject how are you and black doing?"

"Really really good he's been so good to me." She said.

"Has he been taking his medicine?"

"Yes and girl the se-"

I cut her off.

"I really dont wanna know all that."

"What you acting like east hasn't broke your back in yet." She said.


"You mean at all? Its almost been for months."

"I know."

"Do you want to?"she asked.

"I mean yeah but I dont want any flash backs from that night."

She nodded not really knowing what to say.

"Its like he gives me intimacy so much that I want it but then he just stops I know he doesn't want me to feel like he's rushing me but I don't wanna leave him unsatisfied either."

"Girl east is in love with you that man will wait besides he knows you will kill any bitch he call his self talking to." She said.

"That part."

As we where talking east called me.

"Hey boo boo."

"Hey ma what you doing?"

"Just getting my nails ans feet done with leslie."

"Oh yeah? How's it feel to be outside the house for once?" He asked.

"It feels good not that bad actually I'm kinda starting to feel better."

"Good and did Leslie talk to you?"

"About the classes?"


"Oh so that was you who put her up to this."

"No she brought it up I just thought it was a good idea and I'll go with you if you want me to."

"Me to lil sis." I heard black say in the background.

"Man move your ass."

"Im just trying to show some support damn rude ass."

I giggled.

"See theres that laugh we all miss so much."

"I cant help it yall so silly."

"We know but what you doing after this?"

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