While dave was handling business I went to go pick up pilar thats my babe right there she is like my mini me she be thinking she telling me all the tea dhe be cracking me up.
"Aunty cookie?"
"Yes phi phi?"
"Can we go to McDonald's?"
"Of course do you wanna go to sky zone too?"
"Yey!!! She said screaming.
"I figured you would."
"Is cousin east coming?"
"I don't know you wanna call him?"
"Yes!" She said.
(Just so there's no confusion pilar is blacks daughter. Black is east cousin.)
"Hold on."
I pulled out my phone i dialed east number to face time him he automatically answered the phone.
"Hey babe what's up where you at?" He asked.
"Nothing me and pilar are shopping and getting something to eat at McDonald's but she wants to talk to you."
"Okay where she at?" He asked.
"She right here hold on."
I handed the phone to pilar and she was too juiced to talk to him.
"Hey mamas what you doing?"
"Nothing riding with aunty are you coming with us to sky zone?"
"Oh yall going yo sky zone?"
"Yeah and I want you to go!"
"Okay baby girl I'll meet yall there."
"Yey!! And bring kiari."
"Okay mamas but cousin got to go handle some business hand the phone to cookie okay." He said.
She handed me back the phone and i put my airpods on so she wont here the rest.
"What you doing?"
"Shit thinking about last night I ain't going to lie I need some more of that
pussy it was sweet as fuck." He said licking his lips." You lucky there's a child in this car or I would say something but from the sounds of it we aint doing nothing tonight."
"Oh pilar sleeping over?"
"Yeah and you getting kiari right?"
"Yeah you think you ready to meet her?" He asked.
"Babe I'm going to have to meet her eventually especially since we back rocking again."
"I know but I'll meet you guys at sky zone give me like an hour."
"Okay I'll see you soon."
We hung up and I started to wonder if I really am ready.
"Aunty dont be scared kiari is going to love you just like I do."
"P how you know what I was thinking?"
"Because im psychic." She said closing her eyes and wiggling her fingers.
I'm so done with her today.
"Any who what's that good tea girl?"
"Well you didnt hear this from me but my mom got a new boyfriend."

His one true love
Short StoryMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...