Daves pov
"East babe." She said sitting on back."Ma I'm Hella tired right now give me 15 mins."
"You said that 15 mins ago besides we got to get dressed our flight leaves in 3 hours." She said kissing my neck.
I turned over so she was sitting on my dick.
"Aight I'm getting up but I know you giving me some morning pussy since you waking me up so early." I said thrusting my hips up.
"If you hurry up you will get more than that." She said winking at me.
"Well move that fine ass off of me so I can get up."
She slowly moved off of me as soon as I got up i noticed the time.
"Cookie im going to beat your ass our flight ain't for another 6 hours." I said laying back down.
"Thats why you ain't getting no pussy."
I pulled the cover from over me and looked at her I don't know why she got an attitude for she woke me up but I'm gonna fix that.
"Run that bye me one more time."
"I said thats why you ain-"
I cut her off by laying on here and kissing her neck.
"Eeeeaaasssttt ssstttooppp." She moaned.
"Na you wanted some dick now you going to get it I don't wanna hear no daddy please stop no none of that shit."
As soon as I thought I was going to get some pussy there was little knocks on the door. I shook my head and opened the door to see Pilar and kiari all dressed and ready for our trip.
"We ready!!!" They said smiling at me.
"Oh no babies we don't leave for another 6 hours." Jazz said.
"Ohhh seen p i told you we got up to early."
"Sorry daddy well we going back to sleep." Kiari said yawning.
I nodded shut the door and looked at jazz.
"Well since you got me up you going to feed me right?"
"Go brush yo funky ass teeth first then you can have whatever you want." She said giggling.
"I want that ass on my face when I get out."
"Yeah we will see." She said winking at me.
I shook my head and walked in the bathroom did my hygiene then got in the shower when I felt jazz come behind me.
"Wassup sexy?" I said kissing her neck.
"Well I heard you wanted some of this good good because I woke you up so early." She said kissing my chest."
"Ummm hmmm now bend it over."
"Yes daddy." She said bending over.
Thats the shit I love to hear.
After we got done it was around 8am me and jazz was down stairs in the kitchen waiting for everyone to pull up so we can head to the airport jazz was cooking breakfast for everyone I just kept looking at her she really is gorgeous and all mine I can't for the last day of our trip I planned our whole entire wedding out now I just need her not to be so damn nosey.
"Why you keep staring at me like that creep." She said fixing my plate.
"Damn I can't stare at my fine ass wife?"
She giggled showing her dimples that I love so much.
"You can just like I can stare at my fine ass husband here's your plate." She said kissing me.

His one true love
Short StoryMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...