Me and Leslie was in the living room watching tv while the guys was in the game room.
"So how you feel about being pregnant again?"
"Girl I just can't believe I am you know? Like I never thought in a million years me and black would get this far you know?"
"Girl need a remember yall could not stand each other I leave to college then boom yall got a whole ass babe and now I'm back yall getting married and having another babe I'm so happy for yall."
"Thank you bestie I'm happy for you and east to you guys make believe there is still love in this world and the way you ride for him is something undescribable I swear there is no cookie with out east." She said.
"I know its crazy how we can be gone from each other fir so long and be right back together again like nothing happened."
"So how are yiu going to handle the whole camilla situation if east is the father?"
"Ill handle it like I handled it with kiari minus the going bad part I honestly just got to except it and move on I cant change the past but I can handle my future."
"I know thats right and thats how grown women handle it."
"So do you think black and shay really over with? You know I'm not being shady its just a honest question."
"I know girly I know they are he wouldn't have proposed to me other wise right?"
I mean....
"Listen I need to talk to you about something Les and I need you to understand that I would never lie to you."
"I know so spill the tea."
"So I got this message the other day from shay and shes going around these streets telling people she pregnant by black and he's just woth you because he trying to deny our child all types of shit me personally I dont believe nothing she saying."
"Girl I'm not tripping off that hoe because if its so true wheres the receipts at sis?" She said.
"That part did you post your ring yet?"
"You know my petty ass did she got me fucked up but I'm going to deal with that hoe at a different time and on a different day."
"I know thats right sis and you know I'll ride for you just like you ride for me let me know and say when."
"You already know bitches aint ready for us."
"Not in real life sis but on a serious note will you do me the honor of being my maid of honor?"
"You know nothing would make me happier."
She gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Love you sis."
"Love you more."
"I wonder what the men are doing?" She said.
"Girl talking about hoes playing dominos you know the usual."
"True but lets watch obsession on ID tv." She said.
"See this is why our asses are crazy now watching id channel and shit."
"Girl-" she was cut off by the door bell ringing and someone banging on it.
"Who the fuck is that?"
"Um um but I know one thing they about to get shot." She said pulling out here gun.
I pulled out mine too but once I seen who its was...

His one true love
Storie breviMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...