I'm sitting her with ms.angela she's been holding on to me tight making sure I dont go nowhere this is just fucking me up inside shes in this hospital bed because I couldn't protect her it fucked me up even worse she was pregnant with my babe .
"Hey its okay babe shes going to be just fine she going to be just fine." She said patting my hand.
"I know she a fighter always has been."
I just couldn't shake the thought of how this all happened one stupid fight almost...
"What did I tell you about blaming yourself?" She asked.
"I.. I-"
"No I wont allow this and I know jazz wouldnt allow this. You did nothing wrong it was that dumb mouthafucka Alex none of this could have been avoided he would have got to her one way or another."
I looked at her like she was crazy.
"I would ha-"
"You would have what? Been in jail thats what you know he was the type to call the cops before any of this would have happened he would have pinned you for a crime you didnt even do just to get you away from her he was crazy he probably out crazied you and black but this is all over now and all you have to do is focus on getting jazz back to health." She said.
"What if I'm not the one for her? I mean look at all this shit thats happened because of me."
"You are the one for her and if jazz was up right now she would beat the hell out of you just for saying that so get that out of your head right now."
Shes right I bet of jazz could she would beat the hell out of me for saying I'm not the one for her.
"You right grandma."
"Damn right I'm right now I'm going to go get me some coffee you talk to your wife you want anything?" She said.
"No im good thank you though."
"Oh yeah and if you even think about getting up from that chair you wont have to worry about jazz waking up from the hospital you going to be right be side her now get it together I'll be right back." She said.
She walked off and I chuckled a little bit ms.angela is something serious boy I tell you she gave me a ass whopping I would never forget from when I was a kid and I damn sure dont want a repeat I turned back and looked at cookie.
"Hey dimples its me well you probably already know that I'm sorry I wasnt here earlier for you but I cant stand looking at you like this we supposed to be picking out or wedding colors and you telling me all the shit I dont care about I just agree to it and complain about it later." I said chuckling.
I took a hold of her hand.
"I remember the first time I seen you. We was at your grandma's house and you just came into town I thought you was annoying at first but when I got to know you... You where beautiful. Gorgeous even your dimples and smile could light up a room we kicked it every day after that. You where my best friend my homie that I coild come to about anything you would pick up your phone for me no matter how late it was you where there for me if I need a place to crash because I was trapping all night there you was with open arms making sure I was okay with breakfast hot and ready for me clothes washed and everything. Si when we got older there was no doubt in my mind we wasn't going to be together in the future and just like I thought her we are almost two decades later and we still together minus that little break up we had. So babe I need you to come back you my heart I couldn't live on this earth with out you and kiari I wouldnt no what to do please babe wake up." I said.
I pecked her lips a couple of times and just continued to pray for her.
"I love you ma please come back to me."
ms.angelas pov
Well now that I talked common since into one of them now to talk some into blacks ass. I walked into Leslie room to see black staring at her he stopped once he seen me."Hey ms.angela what you doing here?" He asked.
"I came to see how leslie doing is she okay?"
"As good as she can get I guess this is all my fault man."
"Yeah it is."
He looked at me like I was crazy but he knows I'm telling the truth.
"You let your demons get a hold of you child you need to regain those reigns or the same thing is going to continue to happen I love you and east but the decisions yall make irritate me especially yours stop blaming your demons for your bad decisions and get it together or this result will be her in a casket you hear me!"
"Yes ma'am."
"Good I trust we aint going to have to talk like this ever again right?"
He nodded.
"Yes ma'am."
"Good now that we understand each other just know I'm saying and doing this out of love because nobody else is saying what needs to be said control your demons dont let it control you son and I'm here if you need me."
"Thanks ms.angela love you." He said hugging me tight.
"I love you too babe I love you too." I said patting him on the back.
He pulled away and looked at leslie.
"She going to be fine babe trust me I can feel it you have a chance to make things right with her but control them demons first son because in the end its not just you anymore it's you pilar and leslie nobody outside your circle should effect that and as long as you remember that you will be fine."
"Thanks ma I need to here that."
"Good now I'll be back to check on you in about a hour stay here and dont go no where."
He nodded and I walked out now to find me some coffee whooaa these kids give me a head ache chil'e.
Cookies pov
I looked around and all i hear is laughter around me I slowly woke up and I seen my grandpa and Leslie cracking up."Ahhh babygirl I see you awake." He said.
"Yeah about time girl we was just about to play some spades you want in?" Leslie asked.
"Oh hell no am I-"
"No your not dead girl relax your soul I'm just here to talk to yall that's all." He said.
"Um grandpa just in case you ain't noticed you dead as far as I know."
"Really I feel alive especially on this beautiful beach thats surrounding us."
I looked around and we still in Hawaii.
"So if I'm not dead where am I?"
"Peace island where you come and make peace with your reality." He said.
"And find your love and happiness all at the same time." Leslie said.
Oookay this aint weird at all....
"Well now that all this is clarified wheres grandpa's hug at?"
He walked up to me and held me tight he use to give the best hugs in life before he passed away it was just me him and my grand-mère they raised me when my parents abandoned me. So when he died it took a tole on my grand-mère but she found her happiness again.
"Awww so cute." Leslie said.
He pulled away and kissed my forehead.
"Now that you know where you are and why I'm here come on so I can spank your but in spades."
"I dont know about that grandpa grandma done showed me a thing or two."
"Um hmm that just means she taught you how to cheat come on and I show you the real way to play and a special trick to beat your grandma the next time you play." He said.
"Oh this I got to see."
"Well come on then so I can school you."
"Game on grandpa."
Okay this is weird I just challenged a ghost to a spades game well lets see how this goes.

His one true love
Short StoryMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...