I woke up this morning to.smoke a.blunt on the patio I didn't know if cookie was being serious when she said lets go get married today but either which way I'm ready.
"Hey babe." She said kissing my back and wrapping her arms around me.
"Hey dimples what you doing up. "
I turned around and kissed her lips and grabbed her ass.
"Today's our wedding day why wouldn't I be up." She said.
"Oh so you was serious about getting married today."
"Of course I was why wouldn't I be." She said.
I ain't going to lie I was cheering Hella hard.
"Just making sure ma you know that means ain't no leaving me right?"
"I know I never want to again." She said.
She just so damn pretty them.dimples always been my weakness.
"Before we get into this marriage I think we need to talk about some things first." I said sitting down on one of the patio chairs.
"Okay speak." She said sitting down.
"Lets talk about you never taking a charge for me ever again if I go down I go down ill find my way out of it but I don't ever want you doing no shit like that ever again."
"We already discussed that but ok." She said rolling her eyes.
"Another thing don't be rolling them.eyes they going to get stuck that way." I said chuckling.
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever anything else?"
"Stay loyal and stay down and you know i got you forever no if ands or buts about it."
"Thats just hands down so what about money are we doing a prenuptial or.."
I looked at her like that was a dumb ass question because it was.
"Cookie what we need a prenuptial for?"
"You know I don't want your money right?"
"You mean our money? Jazz look I know what I said hurt you in the past but fuck all that my money is yours I don't give a fuck what you say so let's drop it."
"Well in that case my money is yours too."
"As much as I appreciate that its hard no for me."
"Why not?" She asked.
"Because your money is yours and my money is our money no need to elaborate on it just take that and run with it because I'm not going to debate about it."
She just shook her head.
"Okay whatever you say poohbutt." She said giggling.
She knows I hate that damn nickname but hey only she can call me that and I'll be okay with it only when she calls me by my name is when I need to be concerned about it.
"You get on my nerves you know that."
"But you love it though so it don't matter anything else you wanna discuss?"
"Other than your Starbucks habit na that's it."
"Yeah yeah yeah just make sure you don't blow our money on all that damn Starbucks your drinking and we should be good."
She mushed my head and started walking back towards the balcony.
"I really do love this view and the house is amazing." She said.

His one true love
Short StoryMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...