Jazz pov
"Cousin!! Oh my goodness I'm so happy to see you!" I said hugging him."Me too baby cuz me too feels good to be home where I belong." He said.
"We missed you out here big homie." Black said.
"Aww I missed yall lil niggas too so how's everything been other than what yall was telling me about." He asked.
"Hustling." East said.
"Yeah me and Leslie work at the same hospital."
"Whooooaaa who the fuck told them to do that? Did yall interview together because I would have told yall fuck no because yall known to fuck some shit up." He said chuckling.
"Heyyyy we've calmed down." Leslie said.
"Yeah what she said."
"Wait a min didn't just a couple of week ago yall asses got kicked out of walmart?" Black said.
"No we did not." I said lying.
"Yes yall did if it wasn't for teddy yall would still be locked up." East said.
Teddy was our other child hood friend hes on east pay roll which comes in handy when need be.
"We don't know what yall talking about." Leslie said.
"Yeah I bet just be slapping any and everybody." East said shaking his head.
"Hey in my defense the bitch said slap me so I just gave her what she wanted." I said.
"Period sis." Leslie said.
"And this is why yall should never be in the same place for to long." Big loc said.
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever anyways can we eat now I'm hungry." Leslie said.
"Yeah me too I ain't eaten sense I don't know what." Loc said.
"Well come on there's plenty." I said.
We all got up and went to the kitchen me and Leslie started making there plates.
"Thank you babe." East said.
"Yeah thanks cousin." Loc said.
"No problem guys so have we decided on what we doing?"
"We? Na ma you and Leslie need to stay back and let the fellas handle this."
"Excuse me i was shot to I want in on this." Leslie said.
"I don't think that would be a good idea ma we don't know what we up against." Black said.
"Yes we do so why can't we handle this with yall?"
"Because if something was to happen to yall we would go crazy jazz I don't want anything happening to you we've been through enough we just want yall to be safe." East said.
"In this lifestyle there is no such thing as safe you out of all people should know that."
Big loc kinda just stayed quiet for a min while we spoke.
"Yall know if we say no they going to do it anyways I say let them help out." Loc said.
"See he gets it."
"Loc I'm tell you this is a bad idea I know it besides the beef ain't with jazz and Leslie this is between us and them." Black said.
"Honestly I think they might help us they shoot first ask question later." Loc said.
"Exactly besides East ain't nothing with out his cookie by his side." Leslie said.
East grabbed my hand and kissed it and black did the same he knows if nobody ain't down for him Leslie get his back fully
"Ugh yall some damn love birds make me sick." Loc said.
"Hating ass." Black said.
"Anyways rather yall like it or not we apart of this so on to the next subject please." Leslie said.
"So where you staying at cousin?" I asked.
"Shit I was going to stay with grandma but she got her sneak link over there and you know I don't fuck with nobody in the family minus yall so ill probably get a hotel or some shit." He said.
East pulled out some keys and tossed it to him.
"Here you can have my old crib and until yours is ready." East said.
"Na I can't e-"
"End of discussion Big homie we already discussed it now take these damn keys before I shoot you in your pinky toe." I said.
They all fell the fuck out laughing like something was funny. After dinner we all just went down memory lane and relaxed we need this time to bond because tomorrow its back to business.
Daves pov
Im in bed looking at the ceiling something been fucking with me all damn day there has to be someone higher up stacks ain't that smart bro I know damn well he didn't think of this shit by his self."What you thinking about babe." Jazz said coming out the shower.
She look so damn good right now don't make no since. She crawled on to me lap and straddled me then kissed me on the lips as I gripped her ass we both pulled away.
"Its nothing really some shit been fucking with my mind lately."
"Yeah like what?" She asked.
"Stacks ain't that smart jazz he couldn't even figure out how to rub to pennies together if you gave it to him." I said sitting up.
"Then who could it be?" She asked.
"I don't know yet babe lets lay down though."
She nodded and I laid down next to her I'm going with my gut on this one and if I think this person got something to do with it I'd hate to see his mark ass go but it got to be done either which way I'm going to have my answer soon. Sooner than they think.

His one true love
Short StoryMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...