definition of a rider

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(That got damn cookie east is going to be one made moutha... nevermind just know cookie always has a method behind her craziness.)

Cookie pov
I'm sitting here in the interrogation room waiting on the detective to come through no word from east which is a good thing at this point but he about to be mad as fuck the moment he wakes up. I heard the door open behind me and see detective fatu standing there.

"Ms.cline." He said walking to the side of the table setting down.


"Thats detective fatu." He said.

"Same difference now lets get this over with."

He looked at me like I was crazy and chuckled he walked over to his seat and sat across from me and stared at me for a min.

"So your the notorious drug lord I've been chasing after huh?" He said.

"Wow drug lord thats a little offensive don't you think? Do you have any proof of this accusation you are throwing out?"

"In fact I do and I also know your boyfriend has something to do with it."

"Is that so? Well what kind of evidence do you think you have on my husband and me?"

"Not you just your husband." He said.

He slid me a manilla folder full of pictures of shit being moved in and out not much of nothing really.

"I also have a witness thats willing to testify against him."

I chuckled.

"You keep saying him when I'm the one that turned myself and come to think about it while we are on the subject who's name is on that building?"

He looked and his eyes bugged out his head.

"Oh and while your at it you can call my distributor this is a cannabis dispensary so where you fucked up is thinking you had a one up so whoever is your so called snitch didn't really do that good of a job." I said tossing him some documents of my own.

"You think your clever ms.cline."

I shrugged.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night sir now what I'm going to do is walk out this door and if you have anymore problems you can call my lawyers who will be more than happy to handle you and this whole entire police department now you have a good day and I trust we won't have no more issues am I correct?"

He nodded.

"For now but don't worry ill get that son of a bitch husband of yours."

"Yeah you do that and I'll be right there every little step and if I where you I'd watch that sleeve that you think you have an ace up watch your self detective. " I said winking at him.

"I will get him hes a danger on these streets."

"And your a pig thats even more dangerous besides you had the person you was looking for I admit to it and had evidence to back that claim so like I said you have good day now." I said getting up.

He chuckled.

"Your not going no where your under arrest."


"The murder of Camilla knox and Tatiana harris." He said.

"And when was this?"

"July 9."

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