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Me, kiari and pilar had so much fun at our little sleep over I missed my girls they my little best friends. When we woke up we did our hygiene and got dressed after that we decided to cook breakfast.

"Jazz?" Kiari said.

"Yes babe?"

"Can I call you mommy jazz because pilar calls you tt and since youu date my dad that would be weird."

"If you wanna call me that then that's okay with me."

"Good because I lllloooovvveee you." She said shouting.

"Iiii lllooovvveee you too ki ki."

"Hey what about me?" Pilar said.

"Of course I love you too."

They both gave me a big hug then I remember what east asked me to do.

"So kiari is there anything new going on?"

"No not really just school and stuff."

"Yeah what about at home everything okay your dad said you haven't been ready to come home lately."

She took a pause and looked like she was ready to cry.

"Hey hey you can talk to me its okay babygirl whats wrong?"

"Ki tell tt jazz she will understand." Pilar said.

"Tell me what? P? Kiari? Whats going on?"


Just then the doorbell rang.

"Just give me one second okay?"

She nodded and whipped her tears. I walked to the door and there stood alex.

"Oh hey alex um what are you doing here?"

"Just came to bring you some coffee is this a bad time?"

"Yeah actually I have-"

"Momma jazz can we out chocolate chips in our pancakes?" She asked.

"Of course."

She nodded and then when she seen alex her eyes went wide and she squeezed my hand.

"Hey the pancakes are-" pilar froze.

What the fuck is this about.

"Um aunty can I have a cookie."

Thats me and pilar's signal when she feels uncomfortable.

"Yeah sure babe um I got to go."

"Yeah well maybe next time."


He looked at the kids smiled then walked away. Oh hell no I don't even like the way that went down.

"Is that what you guys was trying to tell me?"

They nodded.

"One day I over heard that man and mommy talking about you and how to get rid of you and break you and daddy up." she said.

"He also paid her aunty." Pilar said.

"They also said if things didn't go they way they would kill you." Kiari said.

I didn't even know what to say.

"We are scared aunty we don't want nothing bad to happen to you."

"Awww you guys nothing is going to happen to me." I said holding them.

"You promise?" Kiari asked.

"I promise."

"Good now can we finish cooking?"

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