new people new problems

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I looked in disgust as east and devon are talking I  can't stand that bitch  ass nigga he's a fucking rat and I  don't do those  that nigga  didn't serve time he was in witness  protect  for snitching  on our big home he thought  I  forgot but best believe  I  didn't and then taht6 dirty lose leg dog tried to holler at me when I  was still with  east  its bitch  ass niggas like that how give hood niggas that really bout it a bad name. Luckily Leslie called me to  preoccupy me.

"Hey bitch. "  she said.

"Hey hoe wyd?"

"Just got off about to head to the park you wanna get Starbucks?" She asked.

"Hell yeah the smell  of a bitch ass nigga is in the air."

"Eww I'm allergic to those  who  are you talking  about?"

"Bitch  ass Devon."

"They late that rat out of jail?" She asked.

I busted  up laughing.

"Hell yeah they did I didn't  know they was doing science experiments  on us."

"I know but come on I'm  here  and tell black to come here  for a second." She said.


I hung  up and waved for black and east  to come here.

"Wassup babe?"

"Yeah we in a game sis."

"Well Leslie  wants you and I  was just coming to tell  you I'm leaving with Leslie for a min."

Black nodded  and walked off.

"Oh okay where yall going?" He askes

"Starbucks. "

"Of course why am I not shocked." He said shaking  his head.

"You want something?"

"A refresher and make it strawberry  with lemonade please." He said.

"Okay babe I'll  be back. "

He gave me 3 pecks and started making my way towards Leslie's car where her  and black was kissing.

"Um um." I said clearing my throat.

"Okay babe I got to go." She said.

"Aight ma have  my dinner  ready when I  get home to." Black  said.

"What you want?" She asked.

"That pussy  on a plater." He said.

She sat there  shook.

"Ooohh weee you bout to get it!"

"Girl!" She said.

She started  to drive off  and headed towards Starbucks.

"Ugh I  can't belive that bitch  is back."

"I know how the fuck  he get out before big loco get out?" She  asked.

"I don't know but I'm  kinda curious  now I  never really  fucked with him he was always Hella weird."

"I know but what you going to tell east you know he rocks with him tough. " she said.

" I'm not going to say anything yet I'm  going to watch and observe then I'm going to say what I got to say."

"Yeah let's not speak on shit until we know what's really good." She said.

"That part so how is the wicked bitch of west?"

"Ugh girl she has been racking my moutha fucking brain like forbear she about to get the piss smacked out of her." She said.

I started cracking up.

"No seriously." She said.

"Well when ever you ready to go upside her  got Damn head let me know you know I'm down I ain't  slapped a bitch in atleast two weeks."

"Im telling you she don't know us."

"At all."

As we pulled up to Starbucks I  started thinking about how shit really went down between devon and our big home I do know one thing once east find out east going to go stupid.

East pov
I just got done whopping  these fools in basketball when I  see my babe pull up I  really wanna know why she don't fuck with devon we was all cool until I  had went to jail  and when I  came back jazz was not fucking with  him at all.

"Aye dev."

"Whats good?"

"Why you and my wife don't get along I  thought  yall was cool?"

"Na we was but I don't know why she don't fuck with  me to be honest I  ever  did shit to her to make her act this  way so I really don't know." He said shrugging.

Um that Hella weird jazz don't really like nobody honestly but this seems like a sever dislike for this nigga and I  wanna know why I  ain't got no problem  murking  me a nigga today I'm trigger happy anyways.

"Yeah I'll  talk to her later about it." He nodded.

He was about to say something  else but jazz came over.

"Hey babe." She said handing me my drink.

"Hey ma."

"Wassup with  it jazz?" Devon asked.

Jazz didn't even speak  she just rolled her eyes. I chuckled  because she acts just like me just not  as trigger happy as I  am.

"Aight I'm  out yall." Devon  said dapping  everyone up.

As he walked off I  pulled cookie on to my lap.

"You good ma?"

"Yeah why you ask?" She asked.

"Why you being  like that towards devon."

"Because he's a rat and I don't fuck with those." She said.

"A rat?"

"Yes a rat you need to watch him." She said.

I nodded I wonder what the fuck is this about.


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