Jazz pov
Why does this hurt so bad? I'm just not understanding why he would do this to me what did I ever do to him to make him feel like he had to cheat I'm so over this its not even funny. I was snapped out of my thoughts by more doorbell ringing."East go away please just leave me alone!"
"Jazz its Alex."
I looked through the peep hole and there he was. I slowly opened the door and there he was with two cups of coffee and some food.
"Um hey alex what are you doing here?"
"Im sorry for dropping by unannounced I live in this building also and I seen you a couple times and figured I'll drop by to make sure your okay you seem kinda down thought you could use a pick me up."
"Aw thanks alex thats really considerate of you."
"May I come in?"
"Oh sorry yes of course come on in." He walked in and sat the food down."
"And here is your vanilla cold brew with 2 shots."
"Oh wow thanks how do you know my drink?"
"We use to order it all the time on the way to school remember?" He asked.
"Oh yeah that's right."
"So how you been looks like you've been crying." He said.
"Im fine its nothing."
"Is it east?"
"No. Just stress thats all."
I don't care how mad I am at east I aint going to tell his enemy all our business.
"Yeah life can be stressful you just got to make it through."
"Hey why don't I take you out later we can go to the movies." He said.
"Um I dont think thats the best idea."
"Ohh you still with East?" He asked.
"Yes I mean no I-"
"Come on jazz it's just two old friends going to a movie theres no harm in that right?" He said.
"Yeah I guess not."
"Cool well ill see you later then?"
We finished our food and he left I should start getting ready.
East pov
I've been calling and texting cookie none stop I just want her to talk to me yell at me something I miss her like crazy."Hi daddy!" Kiari said coming downstairs.
"Hey babygirl."
"Why you look so sad daddy?"
"Nothing I'm not sad."
"Yes you are is it because jazz went home?"
"Yeah something like that."
"Then why dont you just ask her to come back?" She asked.
"She's mad at me right now babygirl."
"Why don't you just buy her flowers and candies? You know us ladies like that stuff." She said.
"I've tried that she's still mad."
"Well if you messed up that badly grand-mère said diamonds are always a girls best friend." She said giggling.
I shook my head this little girl is crazy.
"I'll think about it but why dont we go get pilar and go to sky zone?"
"Ok thats sounds cool." She said.
"Okay go get dressed."
She nodded and ran upstairs.
I miss my babe man I need her back but how I know money and gifts ain't going to solve shit everytime I come to her house shes either not home or she won't talk to me she even changed the locks on me so I couldn't get in I dont know what else to do this shit is damn near hurting my soul. I need the security footage to hurry up.
Kiari pov
See I know I'm not supposed to be in grown people's business but apparently my dad needs help. Cookie might be mad at my dad but shes not mad at me now all I need is pilar's help and we all good I pulled out my tablet and faced time called pilar."Hey cousin!"
"Hey my dad said we coming over there so we can go to sky zone!" She said.
"I know but have you talked to cookie?"
"No shes been to sad ever since her and cousin east broke up."
"Why did they?"
"Um um grown up things I guess." She said shrugging.
"Well we got to get them back together again."
"I know but how?" She asked.
I thought about it.
"The panic room!"
"How we going to get them in there together?" She asked.
"Dont worry we can use our imagination on that one but ask your dad can you spend the night and we will try and convince cookie to come over."
"Yeah lets do it after we get from sky zone." She said.
"We are geniuses."
"Yes we are see you soon!" She said.
I hung up then faced time cookie.
"Hey my babe."
"Hi cookie." I said doing my saddest face.
"Whats wrong babe?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"No I'm not why would you think that?"
"Because you haven't came and seen me and daddy said you were mad at us."
"He told you that?"
Okay no he didn't say he was made at me but I had to get her over here some how.
"Yes and it made me cry."
"Ohh no ki ki dont cry I'm not mad at you hey how about I come grab you and pilar so we can go get ice cream and have a big sleep over hows that sound?"
"Sounds good!"
"Okay well ask your daddy can you come to my house and I'll pick you ip after okay? Im sorry he told you that kiari I could never be mad at you amd I'll talk to your daddy when I get there."
"Okay cookie I'll see you soon bye!"
"Bye babygirl."
I hung up.
My plan was set hopefully me and kiari both dont get in trouble. I wonder if i should tell my daddy about that strange man that keeps giving my mom money? Huh?
Alex pov
Finally I have my date with jazz I thought it would never happen camilla was one of the best investments I've ever made now that east is out the way I can have jazz all to my self. What a wonderful day.

His one true love
Short StoryMeet east he's the drug lord you do not wanna cross he doesn't give a fuck who you are or who you are he shoots first and ask questions later he puts fear in a lot of people except for one person. East has it all money,power,he can be with anyone...