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(whew chil'e let us all pray for brother black ain't nothing wrong with him but he going to get the business once leslie gets a hold of him. May the lord bless that po' child. So let us all join hands and pray.. amen)

Jazz pov
Me and Leslie was laying down eating our ice cream sundaes watching madea plays when we here a knock at the door.

"Did you order more food?"

"Yeah I wanted some pizza." She said.

"Oh okay let me go get it."

She nodded and continued watching tv. I made my way downstairs and opened the door to see dave and black standing there.

"Wassup dimples."

"Babe!" I said jumping on him.

He came in a spent me around.

"What are you doing here?"

"Damn I can't come and see my babe?" He said.

"Of course you can its your house after all."

"Our house now give me some suga."

I gave him a nice slow nasty kiss.

"Damn I missed you." He said.

"I missed you too."

He gave me another kiss and put me down and I seen black come in but before I could say anything Leslie was already walking downstairs.

"Cookie whos at the-"

She seen black and I swear she flew down them stairs to fuck him up me and east had to stop her.

"Leslie chill bro." Black said

She got out of our grasp and picked up glass vase and through it at his head.

"What the fuck man." East said trying to stop her.

"Babe let her get this out because trust me if we dont we going to be next this ain't got nothing to do with us."

He looked and just nodded.

"Leslie calm down." Black shouted.

She started fucking him up.

"Okay leslie calm down." I said restraining her.

She was going 18 dummy on his ass and the only reason I stopped because his head was bleeding and so was her hand.

"Jazz let me go!" She shouted.

"No Les I'm not you pregnant are you forgetting that?"

She stopped for a min and got out of my grasp.

"Come on lets patch this hand up and black lets go check the wound out."

They nodded but black knew to back the fuck back.

East just shook his head.

"That's not how I expected this to go down." He said.

"I know babe but how we going to fix them?"

"We don't we let them work that out we not miracle workers or guidance counselors let them work that shit out the selves."

"Okay well let me go help them real quick."

"Aight ma I'll clean down here and when you done we need to talk."

"Is there something wrong?"

"You will find out go on ahead." He said.

I nodded and went upstairs to see black and Leslie still arguing.

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