will you part 1

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I woke up this morning to jazz on my chest I've been thinking of ways to propose to her. I've been wanting to ask her even before she moved for college I just never knew how got up slowly did ny hygiene and made my way downstairs jazz should be sleep for a minute a was tearing her shit up.  As I was coming downstairs I heard leslie talking to black.

"Wassup nigga." Black said.

"Wassup what y'all doing up?"

"I'm hungry and he followed me what you doing up?" Leslie asked.

"Just woke up really and I needed to come holla at you."

"What you need?" Leslie asked.

"Look I'm trying to propose to cookie but I dont know how you got any ideas?"

"Aww my brother trying to grow up!" She said.

"See look what you done got started but congratulations." Black said dapping me up.

"Thanks bro."

"So do you got the ring?" Leslie asked.

"Yeah I got it now its just how I ask."

"Hmmm... I can think of a few ways but I do know she wants her favorite singer there."

"Luther vandross is dead leslie."

"Na not that but I got some ideas I'll help you for a fee."

"Our usual?"

"Extra because I got to plan it and get the performer."

I smacked my lips.

"Man aight just make sure it gets done."

"I got you bro where do you want yo propose here or the beach?"

"Up to you just make sure-"

"I know I got this you just make sure you remember to breath when you propose to here." She said.

"Yeah because the last time your ass almost passed out." Black said.

"Fuck you bitch ass nigga."

"Aye dont get mad at me because you aint got the balls to ask her."

"Ask me what?" Jazz asked coming in the kitchen.

"Nothing ma goodmorning though."

She gave me a kiss and gave everyone a hug.

"So what was yall just in here talking about?"

"How east is a bitch ass nigga and hella scary." Black said laughing.

"Dont be talking about my man like that black." She said hitting him upside the head.

"That right sis beat his ass." Leslie said.

"Damn okay jazz ol heavy handed ass."

She flinched at him and he jump.

Me and leslie busted up laughing.

"Now whos scary?"

"You scared of her ass to don't play."

I mean I am but I aint going to give her the satisfaction of telling her that.

"She dont scare me just your ass."

He rolled his eyes.

"Anyways leslie we still going to get our feet and hands done?"

"Oh I would but me and black are going out today right black."


She kicked him under the table.

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