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My mom stares at us both with shock imprinted of her face before she stands up and walks away towards a little stream. I get up to go to her but Eve lifts up her hand, stopping me.

"I think she needs a little time to go through this, its very shocking for her  Casey"

I nod hesitantly but eventually sat down. I glance behind me at my mom and made sure she was safe. She was currently sat at the edge if the stream, just gazing into it.

I turn back around again at the sound of Eve's voice "Now, I think we need to go over a few things, I'm sure they weren't your only questions, am I right?

I nod and ask her something that was bothering me "What's with the Cougar I befriended?

"Ahh, now, that is your guardian"

I furrow my brows in confusion "Then why the heck did it try to kill Me?

"I have to admit it wasn't my best ideas, it didn't recognise you as I made a slight mistake with it but it still worked out"

"What's it supposed to do?

"First of all 'it' is a 'he' and he is supposed to protect you and basically be a pet" Eve finishes with a shrug.

Eve suddenly stands up, so suddenly I nearly fall off my chair. I stand up quickly and look around "What, what's wrong?

"You have to go"

I told my arms and stand in a defensive stance "but I've just got here, I have so many more questions!

Eve rushes over to me and places her hands on either side of my head "Sweetheart, right Now, you need to go save your pup".

I nearly forgot about him "Wait, how am I supposed to-"

I'm cut off by a bright light and I was suddenly in the vet room again, with the long beeping noise. I feel hands grab my arms and I struggle against them.

A soothing voice that I recognise as Troys is heard in my ear "Casey there's nothing you can do for him"

I struggle against him again and scream "there is, I can save him!!!

The volume of my words shock him enough for his grip to slacken on me and I take that chance to run over to my pup and kneel next to him. I hear Troy shout a few words and a group of Guards come one in, half to restrain me and half to take my pup away which I couldn't let happen.

When I feel them behind me I wave my hand behind me before they could touch me or my pup, freezing them where they stood and then I focused back on my pup.

I try everything to save him, but Eve hadn't been her helpful. I get so frustrated at everything that I smash the heart rate machine because it was annoying me with it's constant noise. When I finish I scream at nobody in particular "What am I supposed to do!!!!

A soft melodic voice reaches my hear and I tilt my head to the side, struggling to catch them

"You are stronger than you think"

I stand there for a while and walk back over to my dead pup, laying my hands on him and crying. In the middle of it I mumble "Please, please live!

A shock wave shakes the whole room and my hands suddenly start glowing. I stare at them in shock as they get brighter and brighter. Then a shimmering light starts to make it's way from the sky. It floats down to my pup and enters its body.

I hold my breath, waiting for a sound. I nearly cry again as I see my pups stomach start moving, slowly breathing in air.

I'm suddenly drained of energy and drop to the floor. I silently watch my pup as it stands up and shakes itself, unharmed. I look down at myself and spot blood pooling around my body. I stare at it in shock and realise that when I had save my pup it removed all the injuries from him and tranfered it to me. Great, now I was dying.

I take one last breath and fall into a darkness. I open my eyes and find myself floating, I close my eyes again at the peace. My body not hurting anymore, instead, it was pulsing and was warm.

I smile to myself, if this was dying, it was kind of sweet. I fall into blackness again and wake up to voices. Urgent.

I open my eyes again and find myself back in the floating place, though I was floating anymore, instead, i was lying on a Black floor. I look around me to pinpoint the voice and not far from me I spot I white light.

I squint and was shocked to spot that it was a glowing person, running towards me with panic on her face. I recognised her immediately as I managed to get a look at her face. Mom.

I run to her and hug her but I hit a barrier before I get to her. I stare at my mom in confusion and start hitting the barrier

"Mom! Mom! What's happening?"

Her wild and desperate eyes make me stop "Baby, I need you to listen to Me, you need to go back, it's not your time to die"

I shake my head at her "I don't know how"

She slowly starts to fade and I start smacking the barrier again "Mom!!!

Her faint voice floats over to me "Follow the voices, please baby-"

Then her voice cut off and she faded completely, taking the barrier with she so I fell flat on my face. I realise something, I couldn't feel anything. I started randomly pinching my body hair to make sure.

While I was doing that I hear another voice. Far away. My head shoots up and I start running in the direction of it, listening to my moms advice.

When it grows louder I run faster, after a while I start to recognise the voice. It was Troy's!!!!

I start sprinting and nearly fall flat on my face when I pass through another barrier and was standing in a room with a swirling white light in the middle.

I stand at the edge of the hole in the middle of the room and peer down. The light reached as far as my sight went. Another desperate plea comes from the light and I realise, I'm supposed to jump.

I look down again and feel my heart drop into my stomach. I hated heights. I close my eyes and take a few calming breaths in. I then open my eyes calmly and jump.


You hear a voice behind you and spot a woman in the middle of a lake.

"Hit the button" her soft voice says and she lifts a white delicate hand

You scrunch your eyes in confusion and suddenly, your body isn't moving on your command and your hand starts reaching out. To a star at the bottom of this page and you realise what your about to do, your about to vote on this story. You click the button and it turns bright orange.

You realise this has helped the author a lot and your gonna get a vote on your book and a follow from the author, Lissy, because she loves the people who support her work and supports your work back.

His Abused MateWhere stories live. Discover now