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Libby the bully ⬆️⬆️⬆️

I quietly close my front door behind me and try to tiptoe to my room but a slurry voice comes from the living room "Cassssey izzz that yyou?!

I freeze and squeeze my eyes shut. Hoping that he will just lose interest and go back to watching TV but due to my lack of luck he shouts through "Casssey you'ddd better ansssswer me!!!

"Yes father? I call out fearfully.

"Come innn Here! He orders and I obey.

He had empty beer bottles all over the floor, one in his hand and the tv remote in the other. I stand in the doorway waiting for his instructions.

"Gettt me a beer!

I nod and I run to the fridge. I open it and shuffle around looking for one.

"What'sss taking sssso long!!! He shouts after a few minutes, causing me to flinch and shuffle around more desperately.

"Um, there aren't any left" I call through, bracing myself for his anger but all I hear is a sigh and his heavy drunken footsteps shuffle their way to the kitchen.

"Wellll don't leafff the dssamn fridge open girl! I pay for the freaking electric in this house and I don't pay for you to waste it!

I close the fridge and stand up, looking at the floor. He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a fiver and hands it to me. I stare at it in shock and confusion. Did he want me to have it? How drunk is he? Is this a trick? I'm cut out of my mind babble when I hear the sound of his drunk belch and then he starts slurring.

"Go get sssome more then gggirl, don't be ssso lazzzy, I don't asssk for much!!!

I nod and was about to open the door when he calls me back.

"Be backkk in fivvve minutesss and I'll allow yyou to eat an Apple! I widen my eyes and nod, he normally doesn't care if I starve or not.

"Alssso, get me a pack of cigarettes while yyyour tthhere!

"Yes Sir" I mumble quietly before walking out of the front door and I Sprint down the street. The shop was about 5 minutes to walk there and 5 minutes back so I Sprint as fast as I can to get there.

I open the shop door and pick up a pack of beers my dad likes and I take it to the counter where I also ask for cigarettes.

"Can I see some ID please? The owner asks and I pull it out of my pocket, tapping my fingers nervously on the counter as I look at the clock, four more minutes.

I'm 17 next month, I've got Long brown hair, dark brown eyes and red lips. I've aslo got a skinny figure and long nails. I thought I looked decent but obviously not, seeing as how the others always told me I was the most ugly person they had ever seen and wondered how my father deals with me.

I hand him the money as he gives me back my card and I rush out of the shop, sprinting down the street as fast as I could. I open my front door and run into the kitchen wheezing.

I'm greeted by my dad who throws an empty beer bottle at me, it smashes against my head causing cuts to appear on my already battered face.

"Your nearly 20 seconds late!!! He shouts suddenly sober. He launches another at me, this time it hits my arm and I desperately cry out "I'm s-s so sorry sir, the owner w-wanted to see my ID and took h-is time. I tried to run as fast as I could!

He grunts "Your useless!

I feel tears prick my eyes because a father is supposed to care for you, love you and love you no matter what. He used to but those days are loooong gone. I blink the tears away furiously, keeping my promise to myself. My so called father walks into the living room and I hear the sag of his old chair as he throws himself in it "Are you gonna pass me a beer or what!

I quickly open the pack and pop the cap, crinkling my nose at the horrible smell. I run in the room with it and pass him the beer and the cigarettes.

He places them on the table next to him and accident drops a used cigarette on the floor.

"Pick it up! He orders drinking from the beer bottle.

I scramble to the floor and pick it up but before I can stand my hair is gripped and my head is yanked back. I scream in pain and he yanks harder hissing "Shut up".

He slaps my face and throws me to the floor, I stand up shakily.

"Go get an apple, you don't deserve one but I don't want you to die yet".

I limp out of the room and grab an apple, running up to my room. I eat all of it hungrily, only leaving the pips because they were bad for you. When I was finished I run downstairs and cook my dad lasagne and garlic bread. I nearly drop it in fright as I pass it to him and warn him not wanting him to gave another excuse to beat me "Careful sir, it's hot". He grunts and I run back up to my room and sit on my bed to do my homework. When I was finished I go to bed at 9pm.

This is my normal routine - Get up, cook for my dad, school, home, get beaten, rarely eat, cook for my dad, do homework, sleep and repeat.


Ok, one thing i wanna say first is that im sorry about the drunk talk. I dont really know how to write a drunken slurry sentence lol.

Hi there, I haven't had any plans to this book, I'm just writing what comes to mind so don't judge if I doesn't make sense.

Can you also tell me how long you want each chapter?

Pls vote!

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