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She walks over to me and before she puts the thing on my arm she warns "this'll hurt" then she places on my skin. I wince and grit my teeth as the skin burned where she placed it.

She pulls it away from my skin and looks at it in what appeared what to be shock.

"There must be something wrong with this" she mutters.

"What does it read? Someone shouts out and Cat winces.

"This machine is broken, it's impossible for this to be this high, I'll go get another one and while I'm gone I expect you all to remain quiet. I 'll be back in a jiffy" she breezes out the door.

Once the door shuts behind her someone shouts out "what did it read?

"What did she mean impossible? Someone else asks

I shake my head and shrug "i-i don't know".

The questions kept coming until the door opens again and Cat walks in again. She walks up to me and says "second time lucky".

I grit my teeth at the second round of burning. She pulls it away and gasps in shock. She looks up at me and when she spots my scared expression she smiles kindly at me "No need to be scared sweetheart, you have very very good results. I've never seen anything so high".

"What is It!? A voice shouts out again and Cat swings around and says in a stern"now, I expect you all to be silent while it's someones  test, you didn't like it when people shouted out in yours"

The person who shouted out clamps his mouth down and nods at the teacher "good, now let's proceed".

Cat writes my results on her chart and then her eyes meet mine.

"Now Casey, do you know if you can summon a wolf?

"Yes" I say almost immediately and she looks interested "how many?

I think for a second "around 10 in separate times though a large number at once when I realised i had that power".

"How many roughly?

I think again "Umm, around 50?

There are murmers around the class and I caught a few words "she's gotta be lying".

I flush bright red. I'm not a liar!

Cat hears as well and turns towards everyone again "the next person I hear talking is getting out this room and isn't knowing this special girls results!

The murmers stop and she turns back to me rolling her eyes and smiling at me "did you do it without falling unconscious?


She looks impressed "please give me an example, I've opened the front doors of the courtyard to the forest so please take your time but remember to conserve your energy. Don't worry, when it gets vicious I can control it".

I nod and close my eyes. I take in a deep breath and scan the area for nearby wolves I find a pack of around eight of them and decide to summon all of them because I can control them and keep nearly all of my energy.

I summon them and see that they started to move in our direction. I open my eyes "they will take a while"


I nod "there was a pack nearby, I thought if they got out of control I can send them away".

"You can control wolves? I nod "well we'll just have to see".

Pounding footsteps sound in the courtyard and a pack of wolves arrive next to me, growling lowly at everyone except me.

The alpha steps forward, taking them all as a threat and everyone takes a step back and I swear I saw a flicker of unease on Cats face.

I look up at the Alpha and say In a authority tone "no!

He stops and looks at me, he steps back and silently communicates with the rest of the pack, telling them to back off. A child wolf wanders towards me and I lean down to stroke It, giggling when it nips my hand playfully.

I straighten and place the cub with it's tense mother. She lips my hand as a thank you and growls at her child in what I guessed was a motherly scold.

I smile at them and lift my hands "you may go" the alpha bows at me in respect and turns to run out the courtyard.

I look around at Cat who is staring at me in shock. She picks up her jaw and scribbles something in her chart "I've never seen anything like that before, how do you feel, any changes, do you feel tired?

I shake my head and shrug "I feel exactly the same as before".

"Amazing, but moving on, can you summon a werewolf?

I shrug "I've never really tried It, I can control them though. I've done it multiple times. The first time it happened I froze the whole room without realising it".

"Do you want to try It?

I nod

"Okay, it's just like summoning a wolf but this time your looking for a werewolf".

I close my eyes "got it".

The I open my eyes and open my mouth to speak "what if it's a rogue or something?

"You can control it and if you can't I can't so Jimmy can do it, though it's weak so I'd be careful".

I nod and close my eyes again. Once I found a werewolf I summon it and make sure it was heading towards me before I opened my eyes again and I fidget nervously, waiting for the were to come.

I hear a loud growling behind me and people shout out a warning. I spin around it time to see a rogue pouncing at me "freeze! I shout and thankfully it does mid step.

It was human and male, he had shaggy brown hair with a stubble growing out of his face.

He glares at me and I take a step towards him "who are you?

He doesn't answer but instead narrows his eyes at me "speak!

"I'm a rogue, Harley Mcinnes" he answers in a monotone voice almost immediately

"What is your business here, why were you so close here?

He smiles at me, showing his yellow teeth "I was sent by your father to spy on you".

I feel my stomach drop "how did you follow me?

He smiles again "I have a skill of being silent when I was to, and I stayed down wind so you guys didn't smell or hear me".

I glare at him "what is my father planning".

"To raise an army to kill you and all your little friends".


Hi guys, thank you to those who comforted me last night, I was in a bad place. My cat was my baby and it hurt to lose him😢

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