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Carly (youll meet her later on in the chapter)

"Come on you can do better than that! I shout encouragingly as a child around twelve years old trys to punch the punching bag as hard as she can.

"Im trying! Her face was dripping with sweat and her tongue lolls out the side of her mouth in concentration.

"No your not! Harder!

She throws another punch, making the punching bag jingle and rock a bit.

I shake my head "alright, imagine your family is stuck in a corner with a rogue advancing on them and the only thing you have to do is punch him as hard as you can to save your family, now, show me what you've got, your a werewolf! You can hit better than a human!

The twelve year old closes her eyes and when she opens them her bright blue eyes flash as she lets out barbaric war cry and punches the punching bag, causing it to fly off its hook and land on the other side of the room.

I let out a whoop and clap her on the back "now thats what i call a punch, well done. See what you can do when motivated, now tomorrow i expect the same performance" i ruffle her blonde curls and lightly push her, smiling proudly "now, get outta here and rest coz tomorrows gonna be a hella lot harder.

The girl thanks me and starts to skip in the direction of the pack house and i turn to the other kids waiting in line to show me what they've got. I rub my hands together smiling gleefully "now, whos next?

Me and Matt switched groups for the last ten minutes, they were only a handful of kids who needed to punch the bag and i had only a few women who needed to copy the defensive action Matt had taught them, and they needed to do it perfectly.

A women with mousy brown hair steps up on the mat with me and pushes her sweat slicked hair out of her eyes, revealing two golden coloured eyes that flashed in determination. I get into a fighting stance while she copies and we circle each other.

"Im going to come at you okay amd your going to have to try that move Matt taught you, but it needs to be perfect in order for it to work effectively".

The women nods.

"Okay, lets begin".

I pounce forward teasingly, impressed when the women meerly steps to the side to avoid me. I faint left, taking it easy on her and land a blow in her stomach, making her slump forward from impact. I swipe her leg from under her, causing her to crash to the floor with a groan.

For the next five minutes i landed blows when she grabs my hand, twists my arms behind and uses that momentum to throw me behind her as she crashes her elbow into my stomach, momentarily causing me to see stars.

When i stand up i shake her arm, smiling widely "well done, you did that move perfectly, just remember though it only works on lighter people, dont use it on a taller chunky guy because, chances are, he'll bounce back up".

There are laughs before i dismiss the women and move onto the others.


"Who impressed you the most? Matt asks on the walk back to the pack house.

I smile and remember the fierce girl who was the only one to knock the punching bag off the hook.

"There was a girl, twelve years old i think, bright big blue eyes and blonde curly hair" i looks at matt "shes got potential".

Matt nods "that'd be Carly, shes the best fighter outta all of them, even if she doesn't think she is, all she needs is a little training and she'll be a perfect warrior".

"I hope so, she suits the role perfectly" i think for a minute "I've taken a liking to her, i might spend some extra time with her, she'll be very useful later".

"Yeah, im also thinking of training Molly, you know, so shes prepared" he bites his lip in thought.

"Thats actually a really good idea! Ill need to train with hannah too and..." i trail off, not wanting to say his name.

"Troy" Matt finishes for me and i nod still thinking.

"Yeah i agree, you need to be in the best possible shape to fight in the war about to come, lets make a deal, you and hannah change places each day, you going to train and hannah helping me train the others".

I think about his offer and nod "that sounds good, though ill have to ask hannah to see if shes good with it".

He shrugs "she probably will be fine with it, she loves kids".

"You also need to ask troy to train Carly".

My stomach turns at the thought of talking to Troy but i reluctantly agree with him.

"I'd do it now if i were you, though id shower and change first because Troy finishes training the warriors in about an hour.

"Ill ask to do it on Sunday since thats everyone's day off".

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