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When we walk outside a breeze of cold air instantly hits me causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. I rub my arms through my hoodie and my teeth start to chatter.

Troy pull me into him and I sigh at the heat radiating from his skin. He rubs my arms and mumbles into my ear "Better?

I nod "much, thanks".

He nods and we walk towards the east border. While we were walking I notice the darkness that had started to fall but it didn't ring any alarm bells because it was winter and night fell quicker than in summer.

A few minutes past and I spot movement to our right and point. Troy follows my gaze and leads us to where Matt and an elderly woman was standing.

I suddenly notice a large black wolf with electric blue eyes follow my every movement, causing me to shiver.

"You cold? Troy asks.

I shake my head, glancing at the wolf who locked eyes with me "No, nevermind"

Troy gives me a funny look but doesn't press on it thankfully because it would be difficult to explain that I got the creeps from a wolf.

"What is your business here? Troy asks and Matt steps next to us.

"She says she will only speak with Casey" Matt says.

Me and Troy both frown and I step towards the elderly woman, keeping am eye on the wolf which had edged closer towards me and say "how do You know my name?

The woman smiles "my dear we were very lucky to have found out about you the time we did".

"Excuse me I don't know what you mean? I say and fold my arms.

"Oh I'm sorry, me and my manners. My name is Avery and I'm the leader of a small groups of supernaturals".

"What kind of supernatural? I ask curious.

"Well we call ourselves The Summoners".

I take a step back "you mean... there are more of what I am?

Avery smiles and nods "Yes my child, there are a few of us in a secret location".

"Ok so what do you want with Casey? Troy asks stepping closer to me so we were side by side.

"Well, she is young and very very powerful, she doesn't know the limitations of her powers and that's what we are here for, we train and teach the young our ways so they grow knowing what they are and what they can and can't do".

"So...? I say gesturing for her to elaborate.

"Casey, we would like you to come with us, to teach you how to control your powers, if you do not you may do something to permanently hurt yourself".

I take a few steps back saying "no No, your not taking me away from here!

Avery nods and says "my child-"

"No! I shout throwing my hands up, cutting her off "I don't want to leave!

Avery smiles a sad smile "you Will, you will realise you need us we will come get you".

"But how-"

Avery lifts her hand up, stopping me mid sentence "I shall leave Derek" she nods at the black werewolf "and you tell him when you are ready to leave".

"Wait you can't just leave him here! Troy snaps.

"I assume you are the Alpha am I correct? Troy nods "Well Derek will be staying here no matter what and if you hurt him you will face the wrath of our people".

Troy growls at her but doesn't argue. I hold onto his arm and when he looks at me I slightky shake my head, I then look over at Avery calmly "Fine, you may leave Derek with us but your wasting your time, I'm not leaving".

Avery nods "Very Well, derek? The black wolf steps forward, eyes glaring at me. Iglare right back until he buffs and walks past us, following Matt who was going to take him to what I presume would be his room.


I'm in my room, laying on my bed, having a mental breakdown while Troy was pacing a hole into the floor. I turn from my face down position in the mattress and glare at him "Well?

Troy pauses and then resumes his pacing "Well what?

I sigh exasperated and sit up. I throw my hands up in frustration "How am I supposed to know, this old woman comes and claims to be my 'species" I air quote "then she tells me I have to leave here to go with them to learn whatever and then sends a werewolf here so I can tell him when I want to leave!!!! And he gives me the creeps, also I'm pretty sure he hates me just by the look he gave me outside!

I flop on my back and take in a deep breath. I let it out and stare at the ceiling. I feel the bed sink down and Troy lays next to me, also staring at the ceiling.

I feel his hand reach over and twine themselves in mine. I look over at him and cry "What am I going to do?!

He shakes his head "I don't know"

I sigh "but" he starts "we will figure this out" he looks over at me "I promise".

I smile at him and peck his cheek "thanks".

I then stare at the ceiling for what seemed like hours until Troys soft snoring put me to a nightmare ridden sleep about me being dragged away from the pack by the funky looking Derek dude.

ha that got your attention didn't it?

Ok, I want y'all to please follow ReleisTheFirst and also the k out her story because it's mint! Take it from me❤

Remember, I love you and i love you, ha ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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