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My gaze on him is filled with shock and sympathy. I clear my throat uncomfortably "Do you mind asking me what happened?

He sighs "umm, I was like 12 years old and there was this banging on the door, we uh, lived in the middle of nowhere, because of my species and the threats being it caused. My mom she" he gulps in some air and Cass rubs his shoulder, asking him either eyes of he was okay. He offers her a lopsided smile and waves her off before he continues "she told me hide and being a stupid kid I hid where I would see her, which was the gap between the over and the wall, it was dark behind there so they wouldn't be able to see me. As soon as I got behind the oven the door blasts open and I hear my mom scream, there were 6 men coming through the door. They grabbed my mom and shouted at her to tell them where I was... she didn't, they tortured her in front of her and raped her while I had to sit and do nothing but watch, it was our agreement but I never actually believed this was gonna happen"

"When they each finished raping her they beat her and whipped her but she still wouldn't say a word about my whereabouts. The biggest guy - the leader - ordered the other guys to search the house for me. I hid deeper in the oven and they just walked right past me, not even bothering to check" he chuckles sadly, shaking his head "if they had looked they would've seen me" he punches the wall. Hard. "If I had shouted or something it would've saved my mother all that pain" he shouts with tears dripping down his cheeks and the heart breaking sight makes tears form at the back of my eyes.

Ellie was already crying and Cass pats his shoulder "You don't have to finish if you don't want-" she starts but Fraser shakes his head "no, it'd be better of I got this off my chest" he clenches and unclenches his fists and whatever happy, funny gay boy that was in there was gone and now replaced with regret, hurt and rage.

"When they couldn't find me they started cutting My mom with a rusty penknife. H-her screams..." he closes his eyes tight shut and winced at the memory "then when they realised they wouldn't get anything else put of her they spot her throat" he says the last bit without any emotion in his voice and his face had a scary blank look on it.

"I'm so sorry Fr-" I start.

"When they were about the leave the door just a open and Avery and other adults pour in and start fighting. The leader suede my vanishes and they kill the other guys before Avery walks up to my mom and kneels down to shut her frozen terror filled eyes and then says a few words that I think was to free her soul or something. Then Avery nods at another adult steps forward and says 'he's in the house'. They must've used the werewolf sensor thing and picked me up. Then they manage to find and fast forward to the end I wind up here" he finishes and instead of apologising I lay a comforting hand on his arm and smile and sad smile at him which he returns half attempted.

He then walks over to Ellie who was having a breakdown and hugs her while she sobs into his chest. Me and Cass looks at each other and Cass mouths 'She's the emotional one'.

Ahhh, that explains it.

I nod to show her I understand and walk over the Ellie and Fraser and give them one of my special rare hugs and Cass soon joins it.

Soon we are all group hugging and nothing was gonna break it up- well, when Blake clears his throat uncomfortably at the doorway it does break it up.

I look over at him with a deadly look on my face that says 'this better be good'. Blake backs off quickly saying "nevermind, I'll leave you to it".

I sigh and run my hands through my hair "wait! I look over at Fraser and he nods his head for me to go and I smile slightly at him before I jog out the room and into the hall where I spot Blake at the end of it.

"Wait up! I shout and Blake turns around with a confused look on his face before it turns into recognition.

I run over to him and when I get there I bend over to catch my breath "I...cant...believe...you...made...me... run" I end with a death glare before finally catching my breath so I could stand straight.

"That was your choice to run not mine, I didn't make you"

"Uhuh, when you left on I shouted for you to wait but you ignored me and kept walking"

"In my defence I didn't hear you"


"I didn't!

I raise my eyebrow in an unbelieving manner.

Blake sighs in defeat and starts walking. Quickly. I catch up "where ya going?

"We are going outside" he emphasizes on 'We' and I sigh and mutter.







"Don't use my own words against me!

"I just said Sure!!!

"Fine! Don't use my own word and pause against me!!!

He chuckles and walks faster to open the front door for me. I put my hand to my chest in fake gratitude.

"Why thank you fine fellow".

"Your welcome miss, shall We? He lifts his arm to me and I take it as we walk down the steps "it's be a pleasure" I attempt in a mock posh voice.

"The pleasures all mine" Blake also attempts the posh accent and also fails miserably at It. It was worse than mine! Ha!

We walks down the rest of the steps in silence and I used that time thinking about Troy.

Is it okay to be hanging around with another guy right? I mean, I'm not flirting, I don't even like him?

The voice inside my head tells me to knock it off and that we were just friends and I block any more thoughts from entering my mind and I listen to the tiny voice because it was right.

"So, do you have a mate?


I'm probably gonna be updating every 4-7 days now because school is keeping me busy😁

Also holy cow!!!! 4.28k reads!!!!! I never expected it to be so high!!! Thank you so much for choosing this book to read!😚

Love ya!

Also remember to vote!❤

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