395 19 2

One month later*

Sweat drips from my forehead onto the concrete floor of the courtyard. It rolling in beads down my face in concentration.

The whole class had gone silent, not wanting to distract me from my last task - controlling the dead.

It was hard

Like, REALLY hard.

Right now i was controlling a whole army of 20 dead wolves. The test said i had to, i had to show i could my powers without feeling afraid of hurting my friends... well, unless i was angry and lost control, thankfully that hadnt happened yet so i was good... for now.

I collapse in exshaustion and smile weakly when applause fills the room. The whole school and council was here to witness my success or fail.

Now i get to go home!!!!

To Troy

And my friends...

But, they are going to be so mad, Troys going to hate me.

It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of his dissapointment.

Im brought out of my depressing thoughts when my three besties help me up - Cass, Ellie and Fraser. 

Today was my last day and we were going to have a movie night, just us, plus Kelsy and Coco.

To say i was nervous was an understatement, i was terrified of what their reactions will be when i suddenly arrive out of nowhere.

Molly would understand, so i would have one person, but hannah... she'd feel betrayed.

I shake the thoughts from my head and focus on staying concious so i could pack.

Last night was fun, we watched loads of disney movies, everyone crying when Mufasa dies in The Lion King.

Including me... what can i say, im sappy.

I grab my stuff and once i'd packed it on Kelsy i run towards my friends who id gotten closer to over the past month a bone crushing hug each and then we all settle on a spine cracking group hug.

"We'll miss you Cassy poo" Ellie sniffs and i mentally roll my eyes at the silly nickname they created for me.

"Ill miss you too! I feel tears threaten to surface but i swallow them down before giving them all one last hug, Cass and fraser couldnt say anything because they were too busy crying their eyes out.

I walk to Cat who id also gotten closer to and also give her a bone crusjing hug goodbye :(

"Be careful love, dont underestimate your father, he's a very dangerous man" she whispers in my ear and i nod in response.

We break apart and she smiles lovingly at me and pinches my cheek. I next walk over to Avery who was like a second mother to me and say into her shoulder "ill miss you".

"Ill miss you too sweetheart".

That also brings tears to my eyes and as i choke them back one escapes and Avery wipes it away with a sad smile "go get em girl"

I laugh and sniff at the same time and walk over to Kelsy. Bye's and goodlucks were shouted from numerous people as we walked away into the forest.

I glance back and wave at everyone sadly and we made our three day trip back to where we came.


We make it the the pack borders and  stop Kelsy at the edge, trying to gather up my nerves before urging Kelsy on.

Almost immedietely howls filled the air and the sound of pounding feet fills the air and wolves break through the forest towards my nervous form.

I lock eyes with a familiar black wolf and he stops dead, followed by all the other wolves who stare at me in confusion. 

Five wolves shoft and they all throw on clothes and step towards me in disbelief.

I jump of kelsy and pat her and coco. I walk towards them slowly, scared that they will think its nit me and attack.

"Casey? Hannah steps forward in disbelief and almost immedietely Molly and Hannah barrel towards me and envelope me in a group hug.

I dont bither hide my tears of joy and i cry into their shoulders.

"Im... sorry i... took so....long" i manage to say between sobs.

They both laugh and pull away, i look into Hannah's eyes but before i coukd say anything Molly cuts in "i told her" she flashes me a sorry smile "i couodnt keep it from her".

I nod in understanding and turn towards Seamus and Matt who walk towards me and also hug me. Seamus whispers in my ear "explain later, but now be careful, he was heartbroken".

I nod and swallow the fresh tears that burn my eyes while i turn towards Troy, who was just standing before me with an unreadable expression.

I feel my knees become weak under his gave. i half smile at him and slowly edge forward carefully "I-"

He puts up a hand and i fall silent. He steps towards me and looks into my eyes with a steel like look in his "I thought you left me, i thought you left me. You tell people where you were in person but leave me damm note! I flinch at his tone but his eyes dont waver.

"Im sorry, i wanted to leave while yoy were asleep because i got a threat, from my father, saying that in a few months time he'd come back for war and kill you" i take a shaky breath "i didnt want to tell you because i didnt want to go in the first place, i didnt want to leave you, but i had to go because if i didnt we wouldnt stand a chance in this war, the moon goddess granted with me unimaginable powers and while i was away i learned how to control it. I promise i did this to protect you and the pack. I didnt want you to know where i was because if you came i would abandon what i started to come back. I-i..." i dont finish because i collapse in sobs, sobs that id kept in this past month.

Something flickers behind Troys eyes but he turns away from me as i try and control my crying. When i finally had Troy was walking away.

I step forward and with what was left of my strenght i call his name "Troy!?

He stops and turns his head toward me, not looking at me.

"Im sorry" was all i said before i fall unconscious, something pulling me into the depths of the unknown.


Hey babes, sorry i havent been updating, ive been really busy lately because ive had a bunch of tests.

What do you think of this chapter?

Do you think Troy will forgive her?

What do you think about the ending?

I have a german test tomorrow, wish me luck😣 im gonna need it!

Please vote!!!!!

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