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Hannah (she dyes her hair alot)⬆️⬆️⬆️

Casey's POV

I wake up to a headache. I groan and sit up, wincing at the pain in my side. I clutch my side as I stumble to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and gasp, slapping my hand to my mouth.

I touch the red Mark's where cuts used to be, OMG I HOPE THESE DISAPPEAR!!!

"Do you remember what happened? Someone asks behind me.

I jump and spin around "Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare ya" I girl my age sticks her hands up in surrender.

I sigh "Its fine, I'm sorry i didn't hear what you asked?

"I asked if you remembered what had happened to ya?

"Oh... yeah I do, it's like a bad dream" I say touching my face lightly.

"Your lucky" the girl snorts "something like that happened and the glass took the guys eye out".

I cringe at the thought and gag "That's rank!

She chuckles "Yeah, I know, I was there too!

I gag again "I feel sorry for you!

She shrugs "It weren't that bad".

I raise an eyebrow "Wow, your one of those people".

"What do you mean? She asks confused.

I sigh "I mean, your one of those people who don't mind blood and guts".

She shrugs "I guess, I haven't thought about it much".

I hear the door open "Hannah have you given her the clothes? A guy asks.

"Oh yeah" she says remembering something and pull out a stuffed full massive plastic bag, passing it to me "Here, I guessed your size and I hope it didn't matter what clothes you wear because those you've got on are..." she doesn't finish but the crinkle of the nose says it all.

"Yeah well, my dad didn't care what I wore" I snap, feeling self conscious of my clothes.

"Meh, It doesn't matter now, he's not here" Hannah says tilting her head to the side.

I cautiously take the clothes and Hannah chuckles "They ain't gonna blow up".

I offer her tight lipped smile "Thanks, this is really kind of you".

"Nah it's not, I'll take you on a real shopping spree when you get better" she promises winking at me before walking out to give me some privacy.

The guy opens the door for her and groans. I look at him "What?

The guy shakes his head "She's a shopaholic, she will literally make you shop till you drop".

"Great, perfect" I say sarcastically falling back, causing the guy to chuckle and before he shut the door he introduces himself "Hi, I'm the beta, Seamus".

I lift my hand still sulking "Hi, I'm Casey".

He laughs and quietly shuts the door after he walks out. I sit up after 5 minutes and sift through the clothes in the bag. Nice, she has taste!

These were the outfits on trial

These were the outfits on trial

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