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I fidget uncomfortably "About what?

He steps closer to me and i look up at him through my eyelashes "About us" his replies huskily and i visibly gulp.

I step back so i could think clearly and fold my arms "Okay, so talk" i gesture for him to talk.

He takes in a deep breath and sighs, running his hand through his luscious, soft- i advert my eyes so i could stay sane and wait.

"I don't really know, i just want us to be the way we were before you left".

I frown "But i thought you hated me?"

He frowns right back "What?"

"I would- could never hate you Casey" he steps closer to me and tips my chin up so i meet his eyes "I couldn't even force myself if i wanted to".

"That's not what i thought, i thought you were super duper mad that you were gonna reject me".

He surprises me with a laugh "Reject you!?? he lets out another laugh "How could i reject the best thing that's ever happened to me??

My stomach flutters.

"You think I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you?

He nods "Yes Casey, that's why I'm asking you to become the Luna of this pack. Officially".

I blink again and squeak "Luna? i cant be Luna! i cant even look after myself-!"

Troy cuts me off with a kiss. A kiss that almost immediately made me moan, a kiss that brought fireworks and butterflies to my stomach, a kiss full f love, passion, and longing. He goes to pull back but i stand on my tip toes and press myself against him, pulling his head back to mine after a moment apart and deepen the kiss. He lightly licks my lower lip, asking permission for entrance and i grant it. He slips his tongue into my mouth and we both battle for dominance, him winning. i felt like i was flying, i had finally made it up to Troy, and that made me so happy i could poop cupcakes.

It was only when i felt him against my lower stomach that he pulls away from me, breathing hard "We should stop".

I ask myself if I'm ready to mate fully and my inner voice replies for me 'Hell yes!

I smirk to myself and draw him closer to me "Im ready Troy".

I swear his eyes bulged out of his head and he closes his eyes as if in pain "Casey you cant tease me like this".

I laugh softly and he opens his eyes "Wait... your serious".

I laugh again and kiss him, it seems to answer his question because he kisses me back slowly leads me to the bed to complete the mating process...


I wake up beside Troy, who was already next to me, smiling and playing with my hair "Hey gorgeous".

I grin up at him and twirl patterns on his arm "Hey Troy?


"Can i take Sunday off to train a girl i think has potential?

"You're the Luna, you can do what you want".

"But not offically".

"Tonight its gonna be pretty official".

I turn over quickly and when i see no hint of a joke on his face i squeak "Tonight!?


i fling the duvet off me and run into the bathroom to shower shouting "Why didnt you tell me it was tonight and why the hell is it this soon!!???

"1. i just told you 2. i dont the big deal and 3. becaue it will make the pack stronger the sooner we have a luna to lead them into war with their alpha".

As i shower i think about what he had said and sigh "Yeah, your right".

"I know! he shouts from the bedroom and i giggle before getting out and changing.

"Can you mindlink Molly and ask where the two of them are!!!!

"Hannahs room!!!

"kay thanks!!


I run into Hannah's room and shout at the two of them "I need help!!!

They stand up and squeal at me before throwing their arms around me and the three of us fall to the floor in a bundle of arms and legs.

"You completed the mating process!!!! The usual cool and collected Molly screams, practically bursting my ear drums.

"AND YOU DIDNT TELL US BEFORE HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hannah screams and i was definitely sure she burst my brain from her banshee screaming.

I struggle to get up and dust myself off quickly before saying in a rush "No time to explain, Troy is making the Luna ceremony tonight and i havent got a dress!!!!!!

Hannah and Molly share a look before screaming so loud that i had to press my hands over my ears.


"No, not the right one".

3 mins later


another 3 mins later


I slump down on the seat next to them in an ill fitted dress "How long does it take to find a dress!! we've been going at it for hours!!!

"2 hours to be exact".

i huff loudle and glare at Molly "Not helpful" she shrugs.

"Finding the right dress is essential for the Luna Ceremony, you have to be looking your absolute best!

"mhm! Molly chimes in enthusiatically.

"Yeah but we've already tried every dress in this store".

"oh hardly! a voice behind us says and we turn to reveal Estelle and Seamus.

"What are you guys doing here?

"Estelle needs a dress as well for the ceremony and everyone already bought their clothes ages ago" Seamus chuckles lightly "We all wanted a Luna. Desperately".

We all laugh with him and Estelle takes me by the arm suddenly and leads me to another rack of dresses i havent seen yet and starts putting dresses against me expertly.

"Ahah! she exclaims at a certain dress and pulls it off the rack, she puts it agaisnt me and gushes "You'll look absolutely gorgeous in that! go try it on!

i sigh but do as she says.

I manage to zip it up and spin in front of the mirror and i smile at my reflection. Even i have to admit, I looked hot as hell.

I pull aside the curtain and was met with gasps and applauds.

"Omg you look so hot!! Hannah says looking enviously.

"Troy wont keep his hands off you when he sees you" Molly adds.

"Thanks guys" i say shyly and when Estelle comes back she gasps and claps "Yes Casey! You look Amazing!!!!!

i giggle and twirl before bowing "Why thank you!

Seamus comes around the corner and when he sees me he dips his head and smirks at me "Luna"

"Beta" i acknowledge him and smirk back at him. He was like an older brother to me, snd that was nice since i have no family left other than my crazy dad.

I love my pack.

His Abused MateWhere stories live. Discover now