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Thats all i can explain 

Its complete darkness. I know im still me but someone is controlling me, they're strong, like REALLY strong.

I keep trying to gain control of my own body but it takes a few tries before they back off and im thrown back into the drivers seat of my body.

I blink and my knees collapse, someones arm wrap around my waist, keeping me from falling and judging by the insane amount of fireworks shooting through my body im guessing its Troy.


I look up to meet his pain filled eyes and im immedietely alert.

"What happened!?

I wiggle out of his grasp to turn and look at him, inspecting his body language. He was stiff, which was a bad thing since Troy never got scared or nervous.

"Your dad" he croaks out and then clears his throat.

I feel weak and drained. I look around at Hannah and Molly, taking in their pale complections.

"He's coming"

Was all Hannah said and i knew exactly what she was on about. This war was coming sooner than we thought it would.


"I missed you" i say tentatively to Troy.

He goes stiff.

Hes not comfortable around me.

He hates me.

I choke back unwanted tears and walk out of our- i mean his room, ignoring his shout.

I make my way to the kitchen and grab something to eat. I sit at the table staring at the plate of food in front of me, my appetite had gone as my mind did a u-turn back to Troy.

He doesnt want to be seen with me.

Im worthless.

He thinks im weak.

He hates my guts.

I should die.

I flinch at the last thought that had managed to wiggle its way to my mind.

I take a bite of my sandwich to get rid of my depressing thoughts and go to the library to read about battle tactics and whatnot, we needed to be as prepared as we could get.

I yawn when the clock hand hit 12pm. I was tired, heartbroken and deprived. Yes deprived. When your not around your mate for a specific amount of time that tends to happen, along with nausea and mood swings, which i had been having a lot of.

I jump when the door slams open and Troy comes storming in. His eyes scans the room and when his gaze lands on me he storms over.

"What are you doing!? He growls in my face, causing me to flinch away from him. Force of habit.


His eyes soften before turning his wolf's eye colour "Why arent you with me!?

I blink in confusion "you dont want me" was all i said before he tears the book from my hand and pushes me against the wall roughly, causing me to gasp out at the sharp pain.

The pain was replaced with pleasure when he lifts me up to staddle his waist and leaves trails of kisses down my neck before making his way to my mouth and crashes his lips into mine, making me pull on his hair and moan into the kiss.

The making out lasted for 10 minutes before Troy pulls back with black lust filled eyes and he growls "mine" before sinking his canines into my neck, making me scream out in pain.

I pull away from him and back up slowly in shock. Watching the realisation of what he just did dawn on his face and he curses, reaching towards me, pulling back when i jump from his hand.

I did the one thing i never expected id ever have to do with my mate, i turned around and ran like a lunatic out of the door and run to my therapists doors.


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