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Once we get back to the pack house me, Hannah, Molly and Estelle rush upstairs to get me and themselves ready for the Luna ceremony.

Estelle curls my hair beautifully and pins half of it up whilst chatting to me and Hannah brushes some makeup on my face, taking in my request of a low amount.

Once they had finished they bustle me into the bathroom to get dressed whilst they get themselves ready. I take my time in the bathroom, telling myself not to look in me mirror until I'm completely ready. I slip on the dresses light and silky soft material and watch as the bright colours swirl around me.

I take a deep breath and look up, locking eyes with my reflection. I gasp and touch my face gently to see if I'm real, Hannah did a fabulous job on my makeup; only doing light foundation, contour, natural eyeshadow and mascara.

As for Estelle, she should be a hair-dresser because even I couldn't do that to my hair let alone anyone elses. Each curl was perfection, half of it twisted up delicately and the rest spiraling down my back in a curly blonde waterfall.

I step out the bathroom and everyone stops to look at me whilst i stand there and wring my hands.

"Is it okay? i ask nervously and Estelle scoffs.

"Okay? If i were a boy id keep you in the bedroom" she says matter-of-factly and i blush.

Molly walks up to me in a pale pink dress and natural makeup "You look beautiful, Luna" and she bows.

I watch as the rest of them do the same and cough lightly "Umm, guys what are you doing, you can get up now".

They follow my command and Hannah says excitedly "That's a sign of respect to any Luna, if a stranger meets you and they happen to be a wolf they will have to do that and if they don't then it is a sign of the most outmost disrespect".

I nod slowly and smile "Well thank you, for that um, lovely history lesson, shall we be off then?" i say the last thing in a terrible british accent that the other girls snort and giggle.

"No we 'shall not be off' because Molly still needs to do your nails and me and Estelle need to finish up" Hannah says, snorting at the british part.

I roll my eyes and sit in the seat Molly is beckoning me to "Right, sorry, your highness".

I spend the next half hour watching Molly glue rainbow fake nails to my hand and overthinking the ceremony.

"Guys what if he realizes he doesnt want me as a Luna? I ask sighing.

"Gurl, he's super into you i can tell. Even though he's hurt you and he's an idiot i think you guys were made for each other" Estelle says putting on mascara.

"Yeah so stop overthinking!!!!!!!!! Hannah shouts and runs the straightener through her newly dyed Teal hair.

I place a hand under my chin and frown "I don't know, i just feel like we've rushed into it because of this war, don't you?

"Maybe, maybe not. but one thing i can tell you, Troy loves you, and even though he doesnt say it often it doesnt mean he doesn't" Molly the wise one says, sticking another nail on my hand.

"Exactly, and i heard from Seamus that he's asking other packs all around to help with the war" Hannah adds and my eyes widen "Seriously? I didn't think he asked for help?"

"He doesnt" was all Molly says, scrunching her brow in concentration.

"That is what Alpha's do, they must do anything to protect their mates and pack, even if it costs them their pride".

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