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Ok so, I'm standing in the middle of the doorway while teenagers of all ages gawp at me like I'm a science experiment, which maybe I am?

I clear my throat and shuffle my feet around "uh, hi?

Two girls, one with bright pink hair and dark brown gorgeous that sadly reminded me of Hannah and one with absolutely gorgeous strawberry blonde hair and big bright blue eyes.

I expect them to kick me out but what they did shocked the breath outta me, literally. They walk up to me and envelope me in a massive group hug and squeal "yay, another girl!!!!

I just stand there speechless and manage to get out "too...tight... Can't breath".

They step back a bit and look at each other guiltily and pinky pie apologises "Sorry, there aren't many girls out age here"

Strawberry butts in "and we were just excited..."

They both say at the same time "to see you".

I nod and my eyes dart from person to person in confusion.

A guy chuckles and walks down the stairs "Don't listen to them, they are pumped full of sugar" he shakes his head at them "come on, I'll show you to your room".

I nod and pick up the duffel bag Derek had left but the boy stops me and lifts it "no, let me".

I shrug and let him, my shoulder was aching from carrying it. I follow the boy up the stairs to my room and manage to get a good look at him.

He was average, short dirty blonde hair, dark blue eyes and a wide mouth. He had a nice enough build but was thin at the same time. But he still towered over my short frame.

He looks back at me lagging behind and grins "come on shorty!

I grumble under my breath and run to catch up "it's not my fault you walk so fast".

He lets out a laugh and stops suddenly, making me crash into him and fall on my butt.

I glare up at him and rub my forehead "ouch".

He laughs and looks down at me, amusement tickling his dark eyes. He puts a hand out and I grab it to pull my self up.

Once I'd brushed myself off he opens the door and leads me inside.
Look at the top/side for pic👆👉

I gasp at the sight and can't help myself and launch myself at the bed. Bouncing up and down on it, giggling.

The guy looks up at me with a funny look and I stop bouncing "what?

"The noise your making".

I tilt my head "What about it?

He laughs "people are gonna think we are, you know..." he trails off.

I stare at him for a minute before getting it and I blush all the up to my ears. I sit on the bed, still blushing "oh".

He laughs again and motions for me to stand next to him. I do what he says and he looks down at me "watch this".

I watch as he steps towards to wall and presses on the bottom right corner of a pain to g on the wall and it splits in half, literally, the wall splits in half and reveals a hidden walk in closet inside. I gasp again and run inside it, looking at the mounds of clothes of the hangers


Oh my god I feel like Mia Thermopolis!!!


I look back at him and wave him off "a movie" then I go back to squealing and hear a girl chuckle from behind the guy.

"I guess she likes it then?

I look back and spot Pinky Pie and Strawberry grinning at me.

When I stopped finally squealing i look back at them and grin "wow, thanks guys, i really mean it!

The Guy bows and says in a terribly attempted posh accent "We are much abliged"

Pinky Pie and Strawberry start snorting and the guy looks offended "What?

"you are really bad at that! Strawberry says in between giggles.

i join in the laughter as i start to see the funny side of the whole thing and in two seconds there are three giggling girls and one confused guy.

Once we get over our giggling fit i clear my throat and say "hey, i dont actually know your names, ive just kinda created one for you"

Pinky Pie snorts and looks over at her friend "what have you been calling us?

i grin guiltily and point at her "ive been calling you pinky pie" they all laugh and Pinky Pie says "ahh, my little pony! is it because of the..." she points at her head.

"the hair? yeah..."

She shakes her head and laughs "Fortunately, my name is not 'Pinky Pie', its Cassandra but you can call me Casey"

"thats gonna be hella confusing" i mumble under my breath.


"uh, my names Casey"

she nods in understanding and says "Well, you can just call me Cass for short then and then ill just tel the others so they dont onfuse you, Kay?

i nod "Kay"

Strawbrry jumps in after that and asks excitedly "What was my nickname"


she belts out an energetic laugh "nah, m' names Ellie"

"Ellie" i say testing it out "sounds good".

she pretends to flick her hair but accidently flicks it too hard and hits Pin- i mean, Cass in the face and she turns around to glare at her.

i turn the the guy, who seemed to be lost in thought "whats your name?

he blinks and looks at me in shock "Sorry?

i laugh and repeat myself "Whats your name?

he rubs the back of his neck "Fraser" then he gives me a look "why, what did you call me in your head?

"nothing, i just called you 'the guy'".

i hear multiple snorts behind me.

"nice to know you arent that speciel guy" Ellie says emphasizing on the wod 'guy'.

I look at Fraser to see if he was mad but he just shook his head and laughed "what am i gonna do with you three?

"ill answer if you want? Cass says, waggling her eyebrows playfully.

Fraser smiles "wrong gender".

i shoot my gaze towards him "Your Gay?

he nos slowly and averts eye contact. he looks at me with a worried expression "why are you... homophobic?

i shake my head quickly and smile "Nah, i was just wondering".

he looks relieved "Thank God, you got me worried there!

i giggle but before i could say anything Ellie announces "right, are we gonna show you to the rest of the crew?

i blink when i realise that was aimed at me and shrug "Yeah i guess".

we make our way downstairs "Lets get this over with" i sigh when we reach the living room doors.





Hiya, sorry i havent written in a while, i had writers block so dont judge if this chapter is a bit messy because i just wanted to get something down for you guys to read.

what do you think of Ellie, Cass and Fraser?

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