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I'm falling.

That's all I can say.

I was falling and at first I started screaming but when I didn't land I just got bored and folded my arms, waiting for it to end.

When I still didn't hit solid ground I started having fun and started to do backdrops and other cool air acrobatics. I was in the middle of doing a triple air backflip when I hit it. Water.

It pulled me down into its pitch black depths, regardless of how hard I tried to swim up. I kept going down until I felt like I was gonna drown and then I woke up in a room, groggy and not knowing how I got there.

I tried to move but my limbs screamed in pain, causing me to gasp and immediately stop. I feel air hitting my face and slightly move my head to see a door whooshing open.

"Casey? I look up and spot Troy suddenly looming over me with a relieved expression on his face. He did not look good, dark circles took over his face, his hair was mess and his eyes were tinted red.

I lick my lips to try to get them wet to talk but even my mouth had no saliva in it.

"Oh, sorry" Troy says and he quickly leans over me and grabs a water bottle. I spot his stomach peeking through his hoodie and notice that he had lost weight.

He brings the bottle to my lips and I take a few greedy slurp before I start coughing, at first It was a normal couch but it got wet and red liquid came up everywhere.

I start to gasp and wheeze, then I start shivering as I start to cold sweat. Troy is right by my side though, crying. I take a few gulps of air to get control of my hysterical coughs and look at Troy with shock evident on my face.

"I thought I lost you" he manages out between sobs and rests his head on my stomach, still crying. When I got over the moment of shock I wrap my arms around him and pull him close. He obediently follows and rests his head gently under my chin while I rock him and gently shush him.

I feel tears prick my eyes at the thought of never seeing him again but blink them back, realising that at this moment, I had to be the strong one.

I held on tight to him, not wanting to let go in fear of losing him and stop moving when he sighs and snuggles into me. When the steady snoring starts I take a good look at him. It didn't look like he ate or slept in weeks, I felt a pang of guilt build up in my chest but force it down.

I nod off for a few hours until movement woke me up, Troy was stirring in his sleep. He whimpers slightly and starts to thrash around, yelling and screaming.

I grab his strong arms as best as I could and kept them down, not wanting him to hurt himself. Even if He had lost weight he was still bulky and had great muscles. He suddenly flips over so he's laying on his stomach and then his eyes fly open. I nearly sigh in relief but stop as I actually look into his eyes.

They were two pools of black, two voids of nothing. They turn their attention on me and he snarls an inhuman snarl. Quick as a flash he wraps his arms around my throat and squeezes. My eyes widen and I grab his hands, doing everything I could to loosen them but I knew my efforts were futile because his grip was like steel.

I feel my face slowly turn a shade purple and he squeezes harder. I open my mouth to yell but my body wouldn't respond.

My grip weakens "T-Troy" was all I could spit out and I watch as horror takes over his face and with one shake of his head his eyes turn their normal hazel colour and his grip on my neck loosens.

I gasp for air and feel my colour returning "Casey I am so sorry, I was having a dream about someone hurting you and I thought you were the bad guy- god I'm so sorry- I nearly-" he stops and starts crying again.

This time tears fall down my cheeks as well and I finally find my voice, it was croaky but it still worked "Hey hey" he looks up at me with tears running down his face, making my heart squeeze "it's okay, look at me" he looks up in my eyes and I cup the side of his face "I'm okay".

He looks at my neck "I hurt you..."

I shake my head and say "no, like you said, you thought someone was hurting me and thought I was the bad guy" i look deep into his eyes "I'm touched that you would protect me" he looks at my neck again but I shake my head and put up a hand "forget the bruising, nothing permanent, it will go away".

He nods and runs a hand through his already messy hair. We sit there in silence before I ask the question that had been suspended in my mind.

"How long was I out?

Troy looks at me "2 long weeks"

I stare wide eyed at him and I take in the information.

"But the doctor said half of it was from magic exhaustion, since you are new to magic it would affect you more. But the other half was when you saved the wolf" he sucks in a breath before continuing "when you saved him... you basically took his injuries... the doc says that it takes about a minute to heal in your species but since you were exhausted, mentally and physically, you needed more time" he locks gazes again "we lost you for a few minutes... the worst minutes of my life..."

I pat his back reassuringly and then ask "and when I was out how much did you eat and sleep?

He avoids my gaze "Troy!

He sighs before mumbling "I couldn't sleep or eat until I knew you were okay".

"Well I'm okay so go and eat!

He looks at me like I'm crazy before simply saying "no".

"I'm not having you starve to death just after I got better!

"And I'm not leaving you when you've just woken up"

We both glare at each other before I try a different tactic and pull my puppy eyed face "Please".






I sniff as if I'm about to cry "Well I'm hungry so can you go get me some food and when your out you can grab yourself some"

He glares at me but gets up and hurries out. I smile at my smartness and lean back. I wasn't really hungry, I just used the excuse that I wanted something for him to eat. Since he was so hell bent on taking care of me.

His Abused MateWhere stories live. Discover now