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Carly is getting better at her training, very good, actually. Shes managed to master the art of throwing knives without missing her target, but her speciality is archery, we've got a little katniss in our pack.

Now when i say archery is her speciality i mean shes pretty effing amazing at it, she could hit her target right in the bullseye with her eyes closed. Im proud of her, shes really improved from the first time i started to train her, which was around a week ago.

The war is in a week, I'm as nervous as i'll ever be, my pack expected me - their Luna - to protect them. God, i hope i can, i don't want to let them down, i want to be the Luna they deserve. That's why I've been training harder than ever, one with my powers and one with my physical strength, Troy has been helping me of course, now that we had completed the mating process i could now mind-link him nd the rest of the pack, as well as feel all of their emotions. It was over-whelming at times but Troy taught me how to put a block up in my mind so i wouldn't be hit with a wall of emotions.

I groan as i feel something tapping my forehead lightly. I swat it away and sigh in content, nuzzling back into my snuggly duvet.

"Luna?" More tapping.

I growl - as you could see i don't take lightly to being woken up - i sit up quickly and glare at the intruder who happened to be Carly.

She fidgets nervously so i impatiently say "Well?"

"I-" she starts then stops before composing herself and says in a now confident voice "Alpha told me to wake you because we've got guests".

I sigh, flipping the covers off of myself "Okay and who are these guests?"

"Alpha ordered me not to tell you until you get dressed and go see for yourself because he knows you will just go back to sleep after i told you".

I chuckle despite being woken up on a weekend and get up off the bed "Okay, you can go now, and thanks".

She bows and says "Your welcome Luna" and she turns to go but i shout after her so she turns around again "No bowing and just call me Casey, please" i add.

She nods and grins "Okay thanks Lu- Casey" She smiles sheepishly and leaves, closing the door after her.

I sigh and quickly get dressed to see what all the fuss was about.


When i walk into the kitchen yawning i stop, blinking when i see it filled with unfamiliar and familiar faces. I'm suddenly hit by two bodies at full power, nearly knocking me off my feet but Kelsie - My secret guardian - steadies me so i wouldn't embarrass myself.

I hear two simultaneous squeals who i shockingly recognize as Ellie's and Cass's and after hugging and squealing for around five minutes we break apart. I look into their excited faces and manage to get out the question i was wondering from the moment they nearly knocked me off my feet "How did you get here???

"Oh, its a long story really, Avery and Cat got us some wolves that we rode on and im pretty sure someone rose on Blake too, i wouldnt have minded to have done that to be honest and-" i laugh and interrupt her excited chatter "No, i mean, Why are you here?"

Ellie erupts in giggles "Well to help you silly!"

I frown "What?"

Avery steps forward, reminding me there were others listening to their conversation as well "Honey, we wanted to help you with the war that is almost upon us".

i gape at her before shaking my head "No, No! i cant ask you to do that I-"

Cat steps forward confidently and gracefully despite her age "You didnt ask sweety, we decided, its for the best".

"No! i cant ask- i wont let you risk your lives for me- for us!"

Avery lays her aging hand on my arm "Its alright child, we already know the risks, and we are willing to take them, to help you and your pack, besides, we always help one of our own" Cat cuts in fiercly "No matter what!"

Everyone nods and yells in agreement.

I stare around "I- I-"

"You dont have to say anything child, just let us help you, you will need it for the fight about to come".

I desperately wanted to say no, to run away screaming, to drag them all out by their hair and scream at them that they are making the biggest mistake of their lives. But that wont prove that i'm a good Luna, I need to protect my pack and accept all the help i could get. Even if that means dragging her friends and family into this terrible war.

I squeeze my eyes shut and nod before opening them again "o-okay, fine, only because i want to help my pack" i point my finger threateningly at them all "But if yall die ima reserect you so i can kill you myself, got it?

There are grins and then a chorused "Yes ma'am".

Everyone went into chatter mode and mingled while i was left to my thoughts, i hear another familiar voice from behind me "Yes ma'am" and i spin around, coming face to face with Fraser.

"Fraser! i yell and run at him and hug him tightly. I hear a jealous growl from behind me and giggle, pulling free and turning to face Troy so i could glare at him "Really, i cant even hug a friend? i say playfully and squeal when he pulls me into him and buries his nose into the crook of my neck, where my mark was and inhales "Nope, sorry to inform you sweetheart but you're mine".

I roll my eyes while Fraser raises a brow at him "Sorry to make you jealous but umm, shes not my type, i kinda go for tall, dark hair, male..." he trails off, leaving Troy to catch onto what he said.

He lifts his head out of my neck and makes eye-contacts with Fraser "You mean you're...?"

Fraser nods "Yes, im gay"

Troy looks uncomfortable for a second "uh oh umm okay, thats...cool man i mean-"

i elbow him and roll my eyes at Fraser "Dont worry about him, he just hasn't heard of LGBTQ+" i glare at Troy playfully and turn back to Fraser "Ya know, i could punish him for you? you know, like depriving him of something, or make him jealous-" Troy growl and toghtens his hold on me.

Fraser lets out a bark of a laugh and shakes his head "Nah its fine, it doesn't look as if he'll be able to survive without you, ima go and... mingle, see ya Casey!" Then hes gone.

I turn to Troy "Please dont be weird with Fraser".

"Why would i be?" He asks with a frown.

"Because hes gay"

"Dont worry sweetheart" he pecks me on the lips "I wont do anything that might make me deprived of you".

"You make me sound like a drug" i giggle almost drunkenly.

He leans down and whispers into my ear "The best kind" which makes me shiver and playfully elbow him in the ribs, earning me an amusing laugh.


SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE... A MILLION YEARS!!!!!! :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ :/ ;/ :/ :/ :/

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