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I start forward then stop and glare at my father. "What are you doing here?

He smiles an evil smile and gestures around him "I thought it was obvious?


He chuckles "well, I think it's time for a bedtime story don't you think?

He doesn't wait for my reply and starts pacing around me "once apon a time a man had a child with a lovely woman, they were happy until their mother died and it was all the daughters fault, so the man punished her daughter for taking away his true love. Then she ran away with her true love so the man had to possess poor little Derek to kill her but no matter what he did" he grits his teeth "she didnt die!

He stops and smiles evilly at her "and in a few months when I've gotten stronger I'll come again... but this time... it'll be the little boyfriend I kill".

I stand there, rigid with shock until my body kicks in and I run towards my father screaming and cursing "Don't you dare! Damn you! What have i-"

Before i reach my father to hit him in yanked back by an invisible force and sucked through a portal back to the living, kicking and screaming.

When I transport back in in the same position I was in. I blink a few times and blurry figures rush towards me. I blink a few more times trying to clear my vision and make out the bodies of Hannah and Molly.

"Oh my god are you okay!!!!!! Hannah practically screams in my ear and I wince.

I nod weakly and look behind me. I spot the three boys lying in separate heaps on the floor and rush to them.

"No no no No! I mutter taking Troys face in my hands. I look at his chest and sigh in relief when I see the steady fall, signalling that he was breathing.

I lay my hands on his chest and close my eyes. I feel a hand on my arm and brush them off, muttering about how I had to concentrate.

They grab my arm again "Casey, your already weak, I don't think you sho-"

I snap my eyes open and glare at Molly "look" I point to the three boys "these three are basically in critical condition and right now, I'm all they have so please let me do this!

Hannah comes forward and squeezes my shoulder "we don't want you hurting yourself".

I sigh and say softly "I'm fine, right now, my mate, Molly's mate and Seamus need me. I'm sure you wouldn't like it while your waiting for them to wake up, wondering if they ever Will, I have more than enough energy to make them healthy again. Just please let me do this, I want to train myself to not pass out and last longer".

They hesitate but eventually hug me and step back, giving me room to work.

"If you die I swear to go I'll bring you back just to kill you myself" Molly scolds.

I chuckle and shake my head. They hug onto each other like I was their lifeline and held their breaths as I closed my eyes.

I felt the same tickling feeling in my hands and the same piercing light behind my eyelids.

I knew it was done because I felt a light feeling in my chest. Like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. I sigh a sigh of relief when I see Trots chest raising and falling more deeply, like he was just asleep and wasn't dying a minute ago.

I quickly move onto Matt and then Seamus, who needed more of my energy. Yes I know, I saved the guys who had mates because if one of them didn't make it it would break me and Molly to pieces.

When I had done with Seamus I stumbled back into the arms of concerned Hannah and Molly.

I fight with myself not to pass out.

"Casey look at me" I turn my withering gaze on Hannah.

"Call Coco and Kelty" she told me.


"No questions! She interrupts "they can help you, they can make you stronger".

I nod weakly, hearing her voice growing dimmer and my vision slowly blacking out.

"C-coco! Ke-Kelty! I manage out and it wasn't ten seconds after when I heard their footsteps.

They went to help the pack warriors carry the boys inside, I ordered them too.

I smile when I spot them both and instantly feel not tired anymore. The more I stroked and played with them the more hydrated and energized I was.

I look at Hannah in shock "how'd you know?

She smiles a knowing smile and shrugs "just some light reading".

I laugh and Molly says "I didn't know you could read?

I gasp and point a accusing finger at her "you stole that from Draco, my boyfriend!

Molly fake gasps, putting a hand to her chest "I do no such thing".

We giggle for about 5 minutes when Molly says "speaking if boyfriends, we need to check on the boys".

I smile guiltily "I didn't totally forget about them"

Hannah snorts in laughter and pulls us both up, looping an arm round each of our shoulders "yeah sure".

When we reach the pack hospital we wait for a while before the doctor comes out, face unreadable.

We all shoot up, concern written on our faces.

"So....how are they? Hannah asks.

Do you think they're okay????

Comment your thoughttttssssss!!!


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