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I'm taken aback by the sudden question and realise that I might have heard him wrong.

"Excuse me?

"Do you have a mate? He repeats and I curse myself inwardly, what should I say? Well the truth never hurt anyone?

I nod

He sighs "figures".


We keep walking and meet a trail that leads into the forest. We take it and keep walking, his hands were stuffed in his pockets and it looked like he was... No... disappointed?

He sighs again and looks up at me, catching my eye "it figures that you've got a mate, let me guess, an alpha?

I stare at him with my mouth hanging open and I pause for only a moment before jogging into step with him

"How'd you know?

He chuckles "well, the way you suddenly turned up wanting to control your powers kinda implies that you've got someone important you would like to keep safe and the power in your voice when you were talking to the mutt the other day is the power of a soon to be Luna".

I swear if my jaw dropped open any further It gonna be trailing behind us. When its picked it up i can't help but be impressed by his picking up skills. I have to admit it was impressive.

"I'm surprised you figured all that out on body language" I say honestly.

"Why'd you say that?

I smile guiltily and his face dawns with realisation, causing him to chuckle at me "so you think just because I'm the 'Bad Boy' it makes me dumb?

I fiddle with the hem of my t-shirt "umm, yeah".

"Wow, you are something else".

I mock frown "no I'm the same species as you?

He throws his head back in laughter and when he's recovered he shakes his head at me "You are more powerful though" he points out and I shrug my shoulder carelessly.

"It doesn't matter who's more powerful than the other, it only what's inside that counts the most".

"Spoken like a true Luna"

I beam and flick my hair exaggeratingly "well, it doesn't grow on trees ya know"

He blinks in confusion "what?

"My personality"


"No your not supposed to do it like that!!!! I scream at Fraser who had just dumped the entire bag of self raising flour into the sponge cake mix.

He jumps and tried to scoop it back in the bag, failing miserably until I sigh exasperated while Cass and Ellie giggle helplessly on the other side of the kitchen.

I take the spoon away from him and throw a bit of flour at him. I'd just finished putting the flour back in the bag when white powder is thrown at my face, causing me to cough and splutter.

While I had my coughing fit I could hear the charming Fraser laughing his head off and when Cass and Ellie walked in to see what the fuss was about they too, started cracking up at the sight of the white faced me coughing my lungs up. Literally.

Once I had finished I wheeze at Fraser "did... you just... throw... cocaine at me? 

They start laughing again and Fraser says in between giggles "How'd you like it!?

I smile as an evil thought enters my head and I edge towards the flour bag slowly, an evil glint in my eye. Ellie notices first but it's too late and her eyes widen in horror as I throw the big bag of flour all over the three of them.

His Abused MateWhere stories live. Discover now