I Don't Want you to Leave Me

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The lights were bright and colourful, and the music was loud. "I can't believe I let you brats drag me here." Lin said to Korra and her friends.

"Come on, Lin, it'll be fun!" Korra said.

"I doubt it." Lin folded her arms.

"And look at how good you look!" Asami gestured to Lin's outfit.

She wore a dark green button up with the sleeves rolled up. The shirt was tucked into a pair of black jeans. She kept her metal boots though.

"You know what would make it better?" Asami said to Korra. Korra raised an eyebrow, then watched at Asami unbuttoned the first two buttons on Lin's shirt.

"Hot damn, you're right." Korra looked Lin up and down. "Can I go home with you tonight, Chief?" She joked.

Lin scoffed at the two before looking around at the scene.

"Ooh, Opal! Let's dance!" Bolin said.

"Be careful." Lin said at they walked past her.

"Oh, ease up, Aunt Lin. We come here all the time." Opal said.

Lin maneuvered her way through the crowd of people, trying to find Mako to take her home. She hated being out like this.

Instead of Mako, however, she ran into a woman who was taller than her, spilling her drink all over her. "Oh- uh- I'm so sorry, I was just uh-"

"It's cool! It happens all the time." She bent the water out of her shirt.

Lin locked eyes with the woman. "Kya?" She said, losing her breath.

"Oh. Lin!" Kya said nervously.

"How- how long have you been back in-"

"Please don't tell Tenzin." Kya said.

"Oh my spirits, Kya.. are you high?" Lin asked.

"Uh-" Kya rubbed her arm. "No?" She said.

"Your eyes are red, Kya. Don't lie to me." Lin said. "How long have you been back?" She asked.

"A month or so now. I've just been kinda living here, staying away from the family." Kya said.

"Kya, are you coming out back?" A guy asked from behind her.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." Kya waved him away.

"Sit down, let's catch up." Kya lightly grabbed Lin's hand.

"I was actually trying to find Mako to take me home.." Lin looked away.

"Lin," Kya squeezed her hand tighter.

Lin looked back at Kya and sighed. "Alright." She said. They sat down in a small booth, and Kya asked one of the many people she knew at the club to bring them a couple of drinks.

"So.. were you gonna tell us you were back?" Lin asked.

"Oh, of course. I was just waiting. I didn't want to have to listen to Tenzin's bullshit at eight in the morning as soon as I got here." Kya giggled.

"We're you gonna tell me?" Lin asked.

Kya's smile faded a bit as she looked down at her drink. "Yeah. Eventually. I've missed you a lot." She said.

"Yeah well, all the letters you wrote to me sure proved it." Lin said sarcastically.

"Lin.. listen, I-"

"It's not a big deal. I'm just being a bitch." Lin said with a smirk.

Kya nervously giggled. "Don't you have friends waiting for you outback?" Lin asked.

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now