Date Night

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Kya stared at her opened closet. She moved the hangers across the metal bar, searching for what to wear. 

"Hey, are you almost-" Lin stopped in her tracks when she saw Kya standing there in her bra and underwear. "Really? You're not even dressed yet?" Lin crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. 

"I don't know what to wear." Kya brought her hand up to her chin while she looked at her clothes. "Babe, you look good in literally everything you wear." Lin came up from behind her and kissed the taller woman's shoulder. 

"But I wanna look extra good tonight." Kya said. "Why? It's just a date." Lin said. "Just a date!?" Kya spun around quickly. 

"Lin, it's our wedding anniversary. This is not just a date." Kya crosses her arms and scolded Lin. 

"Alright, I'm sorry. But you look amazing, no matter what." Lin wrapped her arms around Kya's waist. "You actually look perfectly fine now." Lin smirked. 

"Well, Mrs. Beifong, I can't exactly go out to dinner half naked." Kya smiled. 

"Well, Mrs. Beifong, we don't exactly have to go out to dinner." Lin reached down and grabbed Kya's butt. "You said you were buying, so we're going." Kya kissed Lin's cheek before she spun back around and pulled out an outfit. 

"I guess this will have to do." Kya said before throwing her outfit on. "Alright, can we go?" Lin asked. "Do I look ready to leave the house yet?" Kya said. "Uh-" 

Lin scratched the back of her head, "Yes?" Lin said hesitantly. "You truly know nothing about me, do you?" Kya said with a chuckle before walking out of the room and into the bathroom.

 Kya leaned forward, closer to the mirror, and put in her earrings. She looked at herself for a second, questioning if she liked the way she looked. 

"You look beautiful, Kya. Stop second guessing yourself." Lin said. 

"Hmm?" Kya looked at herself again before grabbing her lipstick and applying it on to her lips. 

"Really? You know how much I hate you wearing that." Lin said. "But I look good with it." Kya said. "Well yeah, no doubt about it. But when you kiss me, it gets all over my lips too." Lin said. 

Kya walked forward and tried to kiss Lin. "Kya, don't." Lin dodged it. "Give me a kiss!" Kya grabbed Lin's face. "No! Kya!" Lin laughed. 

Lin walked out of the master bathroom, Kya followed. 

"Kya, stop!" Lin said. Kya laughed as she pushed Lin on the bed and got on top of her, pinning her down. 

Kya smothered Lin in a bunch of small kisses all over her face. 

"Kya!" Lin pushed her off with a laugh. Lin sat up and Kya sat next to her. "There." Kya smiled before grabbing Lin's face and planting one last big kiss on her cheek. 

"I can't believe you." Lin scolded Kya. 

Kya threw her arms around Lin's neck and kissed her cheek a few more times. "I love you." She giggled. 

"I love you too." Lin said with a sigh and lip prints all over her face.

"Are you ready now?" Lin asked as Kya got her shoes on. 

"Yes." Kya walked over to Lin. She put her hands on Lin's shoulders, planting a kiss on her lips.

 "Alright, lets go." Lin said. She grabbed Kya's hand and they walked out the door. "You seem off." Kya walked close to Lin. "Is everything okay?" Kya said. 

Lin silently nodded her head. "Is everything okay at work?" Kya wrapped her arm around Lin's. 

"Yeah, Kya. It's fine. It's just been a very long, very stressful week." Lin said with a sigh. 

"Lin," Kya stopped them from walking. 

"If you don't wanna go out to dinner, we don't have to. If you want to relax, we could always rent a mover and stay home." Kya said. 

"No, I do, Kya. I'm just tired is all." Lin said. 

Kya gave her a look of concern. 

Lin brought her hand up to the back of Kya's head and pulled her into a kiss. 

"Lets have dinner. There's no better way to spend our one year wedding anniversary." Lin said. Kya smiled at Lin before kissing her again. 

"I don't know, I could think of a better way." Kya said with a smirk dancing on her lips. 

"Really?" Lin smiled. 

"Mhm." Kya bent down to kiss Lin's neck, but Lin stopped her. "We have reservations." Lin said.

 Lin and Kya started walking again. 

"I have nothing planned after dinner though." Lin smirked. 

"You do now." Kya grabbed Lin's butt as they walked into Kwongs Cuisine.  

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