The Party (Part Two)

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Three months after the fight with Kuvira

Lin pulled her pants on, then her tank top. She hooked the reels of metal cable to her belt, then headed to Air Temple Island. 

Sure, she was only going to Tenzin's party, but she wanted to have her cables with her just in case. 

The fight with Kuvira did a lot of damage to Republic City, but with help from the Earth Kingdom, they managed to get everything back to normal within a few months. 

Lin walked into Tenzin's home, seeing that everyone was already there. 

"Lin, I'm so glad you're here." Tenzin greeted her with a hug. 

"Where's Jei? I thought she was coming too?" Tenzin asked. 

"Uh.. Jei and I broke up about a week and a half ago." Lin said. Jei was her girlfriend. 

A year or so after Kya left, Lin got a girlfriend. After almost a year of the two being together, Lin introduced her to Tenzin and his family. Her and Jei had been together for the past almost three years, until one day Jei decided she just didn't want a relationship anymore. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Lin. I know how happy she made you." Tenzin said. 

"I'm over it. It happens." Lin brushed it off her shoulder, hoping he would change the topic. 

"Uh.. how about we go get drinks?" Tenzin said. 

Him and Lin walked into the kitchen. 

"Hey." Lin heard from behind her. She turned around and saw her sister. "Su? What're you doing here? I thought you went home?" Lin hugged her sister. 

"I did, for a bit, then I came back when I received the invite to Tenzin's party." Su said. 

"Well, it's good to have someone here I can talk to all night." Lin chuckled. 

"You got someone else too." An arm hooked Lin's neck. 

She knew exactly who it was, and let out a large sigh. "Hello, Bumi." She said. 

Bumi wrapped his arms around Lin and hugged her tightly. 

"Ugh! Get off me!" Lin said. 

"Where's Jei?" Suyin looked around. "

Jei and I broke up. I don't really wanna get into it." Lin said while taking a drink. 

Su and Bumi looked at each other then back at you. 

"Well then, I guess you better have a good night." Bumi said before pouring more liquid into Lin's cup. 

"Bumi, I can't get drunk. I have to be able to get home." Lin said. 

"I'll make sure you get there, you just enjoy yourself." Su said. Lin sighed, then shrugged her shoulders.

"Korra! You can't use air bending, that's cheating." Lin said with a laugh. 

"I didn't, I swear!" Korra said. 

"Babe," Asami walked up behind Korra. "We all saw it." She said. 

"You guys are crazy. I didn't cheat! I'm just really good at cup pong." Korra stomped away. 

Lin laughed a bit at The Avatars actions. 

"Hey, you finally made it!" Lin heard Tenzin say from the door. 

Lin paid no attention to it. She was more focused on kicking Bumi's ass at the game they were playing. 

"Hey, Beifong." Lin heard behind her. 

Lin glanced back at the person behind her. "Oh hey-" she stopped mid sentence when she saw Kya standing behind her. "Hey.. Kya.." Lin said. 

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now