Water Fountain (pt. 2)

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Uuh so I was listening to Water Fountain by Alec Benjamin and I could not stop thinking ab kyalin so here's a part two to Comfort.

Four months later

"Hey, there you are." Kya approached Lin. "Enjoying the water?" Kya sat next to her. She dipped her hand into the flowing water of the fountain.

Lin did the same. "Yeah, it's nice.. calming.. it listens." She looked up at Kya who was smiling at the water. "Yeah." She said.

"Can I ask for advice? For a friend?" Lin dropped her hand, letting the water drip on to the concrete below her. "Of course." Kya was smiling at her now.

"Okay, um- So what do you do when, you're dating this guy, you have been for years, you're engaged and he already has this huge future laid out for you.. marriage, kids, the whole nine yards. And his family is so excited that you guys are together, you just moved in to this huge place a few months ago where his future is to be played out at but.. you're not sure if you want that with him? Your not even sure if you want him." Lin looked down at the water as she spoke.

Kya looked up at her in disbelief. For a friend my ass.

She took in a deep breath. "Well.. it sounds like your friend is really close to the family. I'd break it easy to him. Maybe talk to him about it-"

"Then what do you do if every time you try to talk about it, he starts an argument?" Lin spoke softly.

"Well then I guess you just have to rip the band-aid off. Clearly if he doesn't want to talk things through like a mature adult, then he doesn't see how worth it your friend really is." Kya said.

"One more thing.." Lin said. "Hm?" Kya watched the flow of the water.

"What if you think you're in love with someone else? Should you just rip the band aid off of that too?" Lin asked.

A gush of wind blew and Cherry Blossoms from the Gyasto tree blew into the fountain. "Depends on what your relationship with that person is." She said.

Lin let out an audible sigh. "Close. Really close. Grew up together. Been there for each other in their darkest times." Lin said.

Kya nodded along as she listened to Lin talk. "Well then, if your friend thinks they'll take it well, then yes." She said.

"Even if it's his sister?"

Kya's breath hitched. There was no doubt in her mind that Lin wasn't talking about a friend now. She reached down and picked up one of the cherry blossoms that was flowing along with the water.

She held it up to her nose a took in a deep breath, before she tucked it into Lin's hair, letting her hand rest on Lin's cheek when she was done.

"I think.." She started. "I think it's a band-aid that should've never been there."

Lin's face reddened. She reached up and felt the flower in her hair before letting herself lean into Kya's touch. "I think your right." She said.

"Be honest, there is no friend, is there?" Kya asked. She looked back and forth before Lin's eyes and her lips.

Lin shook her head. "I don't.. love Tenzin anymore." Her eyes darted away from Kya's stare.

"You love me?" Kya asked.

"If I said yes would you reject me?" Lin said. "You're still with Tenzin, and as much of an ass he is, I couldn't do that to him." Kya said. "But if you weren't.. I would kiss you right now." She added on.

Lin found it hard to breath as Kya removed her hand from Lin's cheek.

"There you are, Lin!" Tenzin approached them. "I haven't seen you since dinner." He wrapped an arm around Lin's waist and kissed her cheek. "Yeah, Lin and I were just talking." Kya said.

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