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Lin was in a panic. 

She just got back from Air Temple Island, where she unexpectedly saw Tenzin's older sister, Kya.

 She busted through the police stations doors and stomped through. "Chief, is everything alright?" Mako tried talking to her. "Shut up, leave me alone, let nobody into my office." She walked past him and into her office. Slamming the door behind her. 

Lin sat at her desk, resting her head in her hands. She didn't know what to think. 

Her laugh. Her smile. Her hair. Her sarcasm. Her. 

Lin hadn't seen her in awhile, she almost forgot what Kya looked like. 

Lin kept her head in her hands, wondering what to do. She's never been able to deal with her feelings. Especially feelings like these. She hasn't had them in a while. 

Lin saw Mako looking at hr through the glass. Lin got up and shut the blinds, giving Mako the finger while she did so. 

Lin sat back down to her desk and got out a pen and paper. 'Dear Kya,' She started the letter. She thought of the events from today as she wrote.

Lin stepped into the kitchen to find Kya standing at the counter, in a skirt and a small top that showed her stomach. "

Lin!" Kya walked to her and pulled her into a tight hug. 

Lin was so surprised to see her that she didn't react. "It's been so long." Kya said. "

Yeah." Lin said. "Too long." Kya pulled back and smiled at Lin. 

"Sprits, you look... so good." Kya said. Lin felt her face heat up a little. 

Kya looked at Lin's scar, then back into her eyes. "You look beautiful as always." Kya said. "Haha, thanks." Lin scratched the back of her head while looking down. 

Lin looked up, her and Kya made eye contact and help it for a few seconds. "Uh- tea?" Kya offered. "No thank you, I really should get going. I've been here for awhile." Lin said. 

"Lin," Kya reached out and grabbed Lin's hand. "Please? I'd really like to catch up." Kya smiled kindly. "Alright." Lin said. 

"So, how've you been?" Lin asked. "I've been great." Kya said. "You look great." Lin said. "Oh, Lin, you're so kind." Kya blushed. Lin and Kya stared at each other, soft smiled on each of their faces.

 "You really do look amazing, Lin." Kya said to her, hoping to get Lin to smile even more. Lin could feel her heart race. 

That's when she realized what she was feeling. 

"I have to go." Lin stood up harshly and she blushed harder. "Oh, okay. Let me walk you out." Kya started getting up, but Lin ran out the door with a blink of an eye.

Lin walked through the door of her house and went back to her room. She bent her uniform off and got into the shower. She quickly cleaned herself, not wanted to take too much time. She had a long day and just wanted to go to bed. 

Just as she was climbing under the blankets, there was a loud knock at the door. 

"Who the hell is at my door this late at night!?" Lin yelled as she walked to the door. 

She opened the door to find Kya standing there with her arms crossed, and the letter Lin had wrote her in her hand. "Oh, Kya." Lin said, her face softened. 

"Lin? What the hell is this?" Kya said, holding up the letter. 

"I just uh-" Lin scratched the back of her head. "When I got a letter from you, Lin, I didn't expect it to be something so fucking confusing." Kya stepped inside Lin's house, closing the door behind her. 

"Look, Kya-" "I wanna know why! What does it even mean?" Kya said. "I.. I just really like you.. and I didn't know how to tell you in person so I wanted to write you a letter. Ya know, telling you how I feel." Lin said, looking down. "Lin.." Kya crossed her arms again a furrowed her eyebrows at the shorter woman. 

"This just says 'Get out of my city.'" Kya said.

 "I'm not good with feelings, okay!" Lin threw her arms up and grumbled. "Lin?" Kya said. "What?" Lin said with an attitude. 

Kya placed her hand on the scarred side of Lin's face. Kya leaned in and kissed Lin. 

Lin pulled away in surprised. "I'm sorry, I thought-" Lin cut her off and pulled her into a deep kiss. "I really like you, Kya." Lin said in between the kiss. "I know. I was just waiting for you to realize it." Kya said.

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now