Motel Room

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Modern AU :]

"Lin, please! She really wants it for her birthday!" The Avatar begged. 

"Who wants car parts for their birthday?" Lin asked. 

"Asami, that's who! Please!" Korra said. 

"I am not driving all the way to Zaofu to pick up your girlfriend's birthday presents. Take the three-hour road trip yourself." Lin folded her arms. 

"Lin! I can't drive!" Korra looked up at Lin with puppy eyes. 

"Fine, only if you're coming with me." Lin sighed. 

"I can't go with you. I have to stay here with Asami." Korra said. 

"Well then, I'm not doing it." Lin said. 

"What if uh.." Korra looked around frantically. She saw Kya walking outside. 

"What if Kya goes with you!" Korra said with a big smile. 

"Kya's back?" Lin said, surprised. The last time she saw Kya, she had just moved out of Republic City. 

"What am I being volunteered for?" Kya looked up. 

"Oh, Lin, I didn't know you were here!" Kya said with an anxious smile. 

Lin gave her a small wave. 

"Will you go with Lin to Zaofu to get a gift for Asami for me?" Korra begged. 

"I don't care. I need to get out of this house anyways." Kya said. 

"Great! So it's settled." Korra said. 

"Korra, I never said I would-" Lin said. 

"Have fun you two!" Korra ran off, leaving Lin alone with Kya. 

"I can't believe her." Lin mumbled to herself. 

"I haven't seen you in a while." Kya said from the door. 

Lin looked over at her. "Yeah, it's uh- it's been a minute." She said. 

"A minute? Try eight years." Kya said with a chuckle as she walked toward Lin. "Give me a hug, you idiot." She threw her arms around Lin's shoulders.

Lin patted Kya's back a couple of times. 

"So, Beifong? Road trip with me?" Kya put her hands on her hips. 

Lin let out a sigh. "Let me get my keys." She gave in to Kya's goofy smile.

"I'm bringing a blanket." Kya said and she and Lin walked back into the house. 

"Why?" Lin asked. 

"Because not only is it literally snowing, but it's a three-hour ride there and back. It's gonna be late and cold by the time we're halfway there." Kya said. 

"I'll have Kya text me when you guys are almost to Zaofu." Korra said. 

"Why are you guys going to Zaofu?" Asami came into the room. 

Korra panicked, "Uh-" 

"We have something for Suyin." Kya lied. 

"Oh! Tell her I said hi. And Wing and Wei too." Asami said. 

"Will do." Kya gave her a thumbs up. 

Lin shoved her hands in her coat pockets before walking out to her car with Kya. 

"So," Kya started once they were down the road. "How've you been in these past eight years." She chuckled. 

"I've been." Lin said. 

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now