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Lin sat at her desk with a stack of papers next to her. "How the hell do we have so much paperwork? Do people not fill these things out!?" She asked Mako. 

"I don't know Chief. I was just told that you had to do it." Mako said. 

"By who?" Lin looked up at him. "The higher ups." Mako said. 

Lin let out a large sigh. "Spirits, this is gonna keep me here all night." Lin rested her head in her hands. 

"What, got a hot date tonight?" Mako joked. 

"Yeah." Lin said. She didn't have a date, she just wanted to get home to Kya. 

"Wait really, who?" Mako asked, being nosey. 

"I was being sarcastic, Mako." Lin said. 

No one knew about her and Kya's relationship. Who knew someone could keep a secret for almost two years? 

"Maybe you could use a date. Get your mind off of work for awhile." Mako said. 

Lin glared at him. 

"N-Not with me! I'm just saying. You could use a night away from all this work." Mako said. 

"Yeah, sure. I'll really think about that." Lin rolled her eyes. "Anyways, good luck with the paper work, Chief." Mako said before leaving Lin's office.

Lin walked through the door of her and Kya's home with her arms full of papers. 

"You're home." Kya smiled at her from the couch. 

Lin gave her no answer. 

"How was work?" Kya asked. 

Lin let the papers fall from her hands. 

It made a loud thud when the stack hit the coffee table.

"Do you see all this shit?" She asked Kya. "Apparently no one in my office knows how to do their damn jobs finish their paperwork, so the higher ups left me to do it all." Lin threw herself on the couch next to Kya. 

She leaned up and started doing the paper work. 

Kya leaned up and kissed her cheek. "Dinner's almost done." She said. 

Lin didn't say anything back. 

Kya wrapped her arms around her waist and kissed her cheek again. And again, and again. 

"Kya, please." Lin pulled herself away. "I'm trying to work." She said. 

Kya scoffed before going into the kitchen. "Dinners done." She yelled into the living room after a few minutes.

Kya sat her and Lin's plates on the table. Sitting Lin's on top of all the papers she had been focused on all day. 

"Kya!" Lin picked up and plate, moved her papers, and sat the plate back down. 

She kept her pen in one hand, and occasionally picked up the fork with her other. 

"Lin, leave the papers alone for five minutes and have dinner with me." Kya pulled the pen out of her hand. 

"I need to get this done, Kya." Lin said with an attitude, taking the pen back. 

"Sorry for wanting to spend time with you. It's like I never see you anymore. You're always at the station." Kya said. 

"I have a lot of work to do." Lin mumbled. "Well you could also spend some time with me while you're home." Kya angrily stabbed her fork into one of the cooked broccoli's on her plate. 

Lin ignored her, and went back to doing paperwork, barely touching her food.

Kya walked into her and Lin's room where Lin had paper laying all over her lap. 

Lin pushed her glasses up while she read the paper in her hand. 

"I'm sorry for giving you attitude at dinner." Kya sat next to Lin and wrapped her arms around her neck. "It's fine, Kya." Lin said. 

Kya kissed her cheek. "Can I have a kiss?" She asked. 

Lin turned her head and kissed Kya, keeping her eyes on the papers. 

"I'm getting a shower soon." Kya smirked at Lin. 

"That's nice, love." Lin said, focusing on the paper. 

"I said, I'm getting a shower soon." Kya said again, this time in Lin's ear. 

Lin just nodded her head. 

Kya kissed Lin's cheek again, then made her way now to her collar bone. 

"Kya, stop. You're becoming a distraction." Lin said in an annoyed tone of voice. 

Kya let out a sigh of defeat before getting out of bed. She looked back at Lin to make sure Lin wasn't watching her before she picked out something to wear to bed. 

She went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. 

Lin knew that she probably should've been paying more attention to Kya, but she was so focused and worried about getting her work done. 

She heard the shower turn on. 

She contemplated going in the bathroom and getting in there with the waterbender. 

She bit her lip, but decided against it. She needed to get this work done. 

She thought about what Mako had said. A night not thinking about work would be nice. 

Lin was going to get up, to go into the bathroom, but she heard the shower turn off. 

She let out a sigh and rested back down in bed, the papers back in her hand. 

"Lin~" Kya said. She stood on the threshold between the bathroom and their bedroom. 

"Hm?" Lin didn't take her eyes off the paper. 

"Lin~" Kya said again, trying to get the metalbender to look up. 

"Yes, dear?" Lin asked, writing something on the paper. 

"How do I look?" Kya asked. "You look lovely." Lin said. 

"You didn't even look up!" Kya said. 

Lin glanced up at her, then did a double take. 

Kya stood there in laced red lingerie. 

"Y-you look- damn." Lin's face became red. 

"I like it too." Kya climbed on the bed. 

She sat up on her knees, and Lin placed her hand on Kya's hip. 

"But I think I might change though. I don't want to be a distraction." Kya teased. 

Lin pulled Kya down into a kiss. 

"Maybe a distractions nice every once in awhile." Lin shoved all of the papers off her lap and on to the floor. 

Kya moved one of her legs to the other side of Lin, straddling the younger woman. 

"Well, I'm happy to oblige." Kya chuckled as Lin slid her hand into her panties while kissing her neck.

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now