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Kya walked into the station carrying some things. She smiled at a couple of the officers while walking down the hall.

She was there to meet with Lin and brought some supplies for photo-making. 

However, she walked into Lin's office to find it was empty.

"Where's Chief Beifong?" Kya asked Mako as he walked past Lin's office.

"I saw her go into the darkroom." He said. "She seemed very busy." He added on at the end.

Kya walked down the hallway and took a left turn. The hallway to the darkroom was empty. This wasn't surprising given that not many people used the darkroom, according to Lin.

She opened the door slowly before being jerked inside.

"You're gonna let too much light in, then my pictures won't develop." Lin said.

The room was small so there wasn't a lot of room to move around. "Damn, it's cramped in here." Kya said.

"Yeah, well, usually only one person is in here at a time." Lin said.

"Well, usually people don't tell someone to meet them in their office, then not be in there." Kya retorted with a little smile.

"To be honest I thought you'd be late." Lin said with a chuckle.

"Here's that stuff you asked for." Kya sat the stuff down on the counter.

Lin turned back around and looked at her. They were standing close to one another.

"Thanks. To be honest, I'm not very familiar with this process, so I could use your help." She said.

"Yeah, of course." Kya smiled brightly at her.

Lin didn't say anything. She simply turned her attention back to her photos.

"What's this one?" Kya pointed at one of the photos.

"Oh, that- that's actually a.. personal photo. I know there's this big rule against using the darkroom for personal photos but it's just one. And no one uses this place anyways since we got all that fancy new tech." Lin said.

Kya kept looking at it. At her.

"See something interesting?" Lin asked.

"You look really pretty in this photo." Kya spoke quietly, but with no hesitation.

Lin jerked her head towards the photo. She didn't say anything, and Kya couldn't be sure because of the red lights, but she thought Lin was blushing.

"Thanks. That was taken on my birthday last year." She said.

"So what are all these for?" Kya asked, looking at some of the photos she had already hung up to dry.

"A precinct in Ba Sing Se demands copies of every crime scene photo related to this case that could potentially be linked to one in the middle ring." Lin said, clearly annoyed by the request.

"Well, let me help you. Make it go a little faster." Kya reached her hand out toward the folder on the counter.

Lin turned around and grabbed her hand. "Don't touch that." She snapped.

Kya looked at her confused. Lin's face softened, and Kya was sure she didn't realize how she was caressing her hand just now. "It's just.. photos I need to get rid of.." She spoke quietly.

Kya didn't say anything, she just looked at her with concern.

Her curiosity must've shown on her face because Lin sighed and picked up the folder.

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now