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"Lin, hold still." Kya held her hand up to Lin's bruised arm. 

"Jeez, you need to be more careful. You're here almost every week with new cuts and bruises." Kya wouldn't admit that she had liked seeing the metal bender so much. 

"You don't always have to heal me. You could always just send me on my way." Lin said. 

Kya chuckled at her as she gently healed her arm. "I think you're all good." Kya said. 

Lin's expression saddened at the fact that she had to leave Kya now. "I guess I am." She said. 

Kya heard her tone of voice. 

"Wait, I missed a bruise." Kya said, keeping Lin from getting up. 

"I'm sure it's fine-" 

"Let me heal it." Kya said. 

Lin relaxed and felt the cold water on her back. 

Kya was standing behind her, one hand bending the water on her back, the other resting on Lin's shoulder. Lin enjoyed Kya's touch. 

Kya inched closer and closer to Lin, resisting the urge to turn her around and kiss her. 

Lin sat there with a red face that Kya couldn't see, becoming relaxed at Kya's hand on her shoulder. 

Kya slid her hand down and placed it on Lin's side. 

Lin gasped at the feeling of Kya wrapping her arm around her waist, that's when Kya realized what she was doing. "Alright, it's healed." Kya quickly moved away from Lin. 

"Th- thanks, Kya." Lin stood up, bent her uniform on, and swiftly walked out of the door. Kya stood there, almost in shock at what she was feeling. 

Kya just spent almost ten minutes healing a spot that wasn't injured in the first place, just so she could be close to her for a little while longer.

Three weeks later

     Lin ran down the road with her officers, chasing after the Agni Kai's. 

She shot her metal cable out of her uniform in attempt to capture one of them, but failed. They fought hard against the officers. 

Lin was currently fighting against one of their fire benders. She ducked underneath his ball of fire, and bent the earth underneath of him, making him fall back. 

"Chief!" She heard an officer yell out. 

She turned around and saw a couple of them getting away. 

"You get those guys, I got this one." Lin yelled out before swinging across the lamp posts with her metal cables. 

She landed in front of the two.

 A waterbender and another firebender. 

Lin managed to dodge the large mass of water that came after her, and threw rocks at the pair. 

Soon, a couple other officers came to help Lin. They wrapped their cables around the firedbenders hands and arrested him. 

Lin and the other officers surrounded the waterbender. 

In a blink of an eye, the the waterbender was throwing ice daggers at the three of them. 

The two officers each wrapped a cable around one hand of the bender, but not before he could hit the chief in the head with a block of ice.

     Kya held Lin's head in her lap, using the bowl of water next to her to heal her until she had woken up. 

She assumed Lin was avoiding her after the way she had acted a few weeks ago, so when  they brought the unconscious metalbender in, Kya jumped at the opportunity to heal her. 

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now