The Letter (v.2)

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uuuhhh so basically I reached 300 followers on tumblr, so I wrote this to say thank you, but I figured I'd publish it here too :)

Dear Lin,

I like you. A lot. I know you probably don't feel the same way, but I needed to get this off of my chest. It's been eating me up inside.. for years, actually, but we've been friends for years as well and I didn't want to affect that. This probably isn't the best way to word this, but I'm terrible at expressing my emotions through letters.

If you wanna talk, meet me at the docks at midnight. I know that's pretty late for you, chief, but I'm hoping you'll come. -♡︎

The Chief found the piece of paper taped to her front door with a little heart drawn on the front.

The words were neatly written with dark blue ink. Little x's dotted the I's...

"Midnight?" Lin said under her breath in an annoyed tone. Did she really need to know who her 'secret admirer' was? Was it really important? Relationships weren't her thing anyways.

But if this was one of the few people Lin considers a friend, then maybe it'd be worth something.

She continued her normal 'off-work' routine; leftover takeout, and unfinished paper work before showering, and going to bed.

Except she didn't go to bed like she wanted to. Instead she took the fifteen minutes it took to walk to the docks.

Lin checked her watched.


Kya anxiously watched the clock tick.

When should I start walking? Do I get be there before or after Lin gets there? Is she even gonna show up..

She wrapped her jacket around her. It didn't take long for her to get to the docks, just some water bending and there she was.

Kya approached the docks, but stopped in her tracks when she saw Lin Beifong sitting on them, her legs swinging, her shoes centimetres from being in the water.

Lin did show up, and now.. Kya wasn't sure what to do. She was frozen to the ground despite her body feeling warm.

Kya knew it was only a couple minutes from midnight, so she had two choices:

One, walk up to Lin and tell her the letter was from you

Or two.. go home so she doesn't have the chance to reject you.

Kya still couldn't move. Even thought she wanted to approach the docks, her legs wouldn't move.

Soon enough, Lin stood up from the docks and started to walk off of them.

Once she steps foot on the ground, she'll be able to sense me.

Kya quickly pulled herself up into the tree with the water from her pouch. She watched Lin walk away with her head low, disappointed that she didn't talk to her.

She leaned her head back on a branch, and held her wrist up.


Dear Lin,

I'm sorry for not showing up. I saw you were there and I chickened out. I didn't think you'd meet me if I'm being honest. Even when we were younger you were never the kind to perceive a love interest.

I understand if I've already ruined my chance, but if you still want to talk, I'll show up this time. I promise. -♡︎

Lin let out a sigh.

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now