The Party (Part One)

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Kya and Lin sat at Lin's house, drinking their morning tea, and reading their separate newspapers

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Kya and Lin sat at Lin's house, drinking their morning tea, and reading their separate newspapers. 

"Do you work today?" Kya asked. 

"I wouldn't be awake at this time if I didn't." Lin chuckled. 

"So, Tenzin's having his annual party thing at Air Temple Island this weekend. I figured maybe we could go together?" Kya asked cautiously. 

Her and Lin hadn't told anyone about them. Mainly because Lin was still in the closet. 

"I mean, we can be there at the same time, but I don't think it's a good idea to show up together." Lin said, keeping her eyes on the news paper. 

"Lin?" Kya asked. "Hm?" Lin said. 

Kya reached over and grabbed Lin's hand. "When are we gonna tell people? We've been together for nine and a half months." Kya said. 

Lin took a deep breath, but ignored the question. 

Kya took her silence as an answer and left it alone. 

"I love you." Lin said, looking at her. 

"I love you too." Kya said.

Lin laid next to Kya in their bed. 

Kya was currently reading one of her books. 

"So, are you going to Tenzin's party?" She asked Lin. 

"I go every year." Lin said. 

"I heard Korra's doing a bit better. She's leaving for the Southern Water Tribe in a week for healing and physical therapy." Lin said. 

"Yeah. Mom said something about that in the letter I got from her." Kya said. 

"Well, she'll be in good hands with Katara. She's the best there is." Lin said. 

She leaned over and kissed Kya's cheek. 

Kya sat her book down on the nightstand and turned to Lin. "Can we go out to dinner tomorrow?" She asked hesitantly. 

"Kya-" "I know that you don't want anyone to know about us but, Lin, I just want to go out on a nice date with my girlfriend." Kya pleaded. 

Lin thought for a second. "Alright." Lin said. 

"Lin, please I- wait.. did you say yes?" Kya smiled. 

Lin nodded her head. Kya threw her arms around Lin's neck and hugged her. 

"Thank you." Kya said. A smile tugged at the corners of Lin's lips. 

Seeing how happy that made Kya, made her happy too.

Lin was tense sitting in the crowded restaurant. 

"Okay, what's wrong?" Kya asked, sitting her fork down on the plate. 

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