Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Wrecked.

I woke up and I was still in the truck. It fell down a 10 foot hill, resting against a tree. It was light out now. My head was throbbing. The truck was laying on its left side, I was dangling at an awkward angle, due to my seatbelt. I could look out of the shattered windshield and see the horse trailer farther into the woods. I saw my phone resting in the passenger seat's foot area. I assumed I had ether killed the other driver, or he drove away, because hours had passed, help would've been here by now.

"Dan," I mumbled as I saw his face lighting up on my phone. I had to unbuckle my seatbelt to get down to where my phone was. I had to hang on to something or I'd be falling into a million bits of broken glass. I held onto the steering wheel with my right arm, and unbuckled my seatbelt with my left arm. I had zero strength. Instead of hanging on, I fell to the passenger side of the car. I landed on my feet, with my feet where the window should've been.

I grabbed my phone and sat down. My energy was gone. I was out of breath, and I was mentally, and physically exhausted. I unlocked my phone and saw multiple texts and calls.
12 texts from Dan:
"Ari where are you?"
"You're not at home or at Kat's"
"Ari answer your phone!"
"I'm calling the police!"
"Kat's freaking out! She said you left but your dad said you're not home!"
"Arial's at home, but the truck and trailer are gone? Arabella are you hurt? Answer me!!!"
"Your dad and I are at your house waiting. Please, dear god, come home!"
"If you're okay and you're just not texting us I'm going to be pissed!"
"It's been an hour since my last text, you're still not here."
"Arabella!!! Where are you?!?"
"Arabella, love, please!!"
Seven texts from my dad:
"Arabella Louise Shea you answer your phone!"
"No one can get a hold of you?"
"You're not at Kat's?"
"Dan's here, no one can find you?!"
"That's it we're going out on horses!!"
"Dan can't ride horses? What kind of guy are you dating?"
"Arabella please pick up..."

Three from Kat:
"Hope you got home okay love."
"Why are your dad and Dan calling me asking where you are? OMG Dan's voice is so deep and sexy over the phone!!"
"Sorry for that last text, you really have us worried over here!"

Two from Kat's mum:
"Checked on that mare around six, she's doing great!"
"Why can't anyone find you?!?"
One from Kyle:
"Oi, where are you mate? Dan's freaking the fuck out!"

Five from my brother:
"Is there a reason why dad called me to come home? What's going on?"
"You're the reason I got called home? What's happened?"
"You're not calling or texting anyone back Ari!!"
"You're okay right?!?!"
"Just say something!!!!"

There was an uncountable amount of calls from my dad, Dan, Kat, and Kat's mother, all looking for me. I dialed Dan's number.
"Arabella? Thank god you're okay," he cried.
"I'm... Not," I said, followed by a cough.
"Arabella?" Dan asked.
"Car... accident," was all I managed to reply. All of a sudden my vision got blurry. I realized the truck was still running, fumes of carbon monoxide were seeping into the air inside and around the car.
"Dan... I... Can't... I... Can't... Br... Breathe," I whispered.
"Where are you?" Dan asked.
"I... Don't... Know," I spoke. And then I blacked out.

I woke up again to police sirens. My head was spinning, swirling, I couldn't see straight. Then some paramedics were by the truck. They were using some large tool to bust the door open. When they got it opened I was engulfed with light, and fresh air. One paramedic held my head still as another wrapped something around it. They pulled me from the car and laid me on a stretcher type thing, and lifted me up the 10 foot hill. When they placed me into the back of an ambulance, I saw Dan, my dad, my brother, Kat, and Kat's mum. Dan was trying to push his way through the line of first responders. I lost consciousness again.

I woke again, this time in the hospital. I felt a whole lot better. Everyone was sitting in my room.
"Water," I said. Everyone jumped up, surrounding my bed. My dad handed me a glass of water and I gulped it down.
"How do I look?" I asked no one in particular. "Beautiful," my dad said.
"What happened, aside from the obvious?" I asked. "Concussion, bruised abdomen, carbon monoxide poisoning," Jason said.
"But I'm okay?" I asked. They all nodded. "Sweet." Dan held my hand. "Oh dad, this is Dan. Dan, this is my dad," I said. Some chuckles were released.
"We met," Dan assured me. I smiled. They all seemed so relieved.

I stayed in the hospital that night. My dad and everyone went home, besides Dan.
"Sorry I scared you guys," I apologized.
"It's fine, you had a good reason to ignore us," he replied.
"How's Arial?" I asked. Dan laughed.
"Arial, she's good," Dan replied.
"And what about you?" I asked.
"I.. I'm okay.," he assured me.
"Would you be okay if I wasn't?" I asked. I could see tears welling up in Dan's eyes.
"Dan?" I urged. A tear slipped down his face.
"You scared the shit out of me," he admitted. I hugged him.
"I'm fine," I assured him.
"I know... I know," Dan replied. We sat there hugging each other for, I don't know how long. All that mattered was that he was here. And that we both were okay.

Underage, A Dan Smith Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now