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Chapter Twenty Eight: I'll See You in the Future When We're Older, And We Are Full of Stories to Be Told-Conclusion.

I was walking down the long Virgin Records hallways to the studio where Mark was waiting. I went in, we hugged, and then I sat down.
"So, right to business. The label loves you, you're their next big thing. But they don't want anything getting out about your attempt, or attempts. If word gets out, they'll be forced to release you of your recording contract. They want you to begin recording a second album, and then begin touring for the first album. They only want you to record one or two songs before you leave for tour-." I stopped him.
"They think I can handle it?" I asked. Mark shrugged.
"I guess so," he replied.
"Okay, I'll do it," I said.

After the meeting with Mark I went to Kyle's. He answered the door within seconds, knowing I was coming over.
"Ahh, the sweet smell of pizza and coffee," I said as I walked inside, giving Kyle the biggest hug. Kyle chuckled.
"How are you?" he asked.
"I'm good. I just got done talking with Mark, the label wants me to begin recording a second album and go on tour," I replied.
"That's so stupid," Kyle said.
"Yeah, but I have to make up for missing out on so much," I replied. We sat down on his couch.
"But you couldn't handle just that little bit-." Kyle was interrupted by his phone ringing. "Hey Dan," Kyle answered. I sighed. "She's over right now, I don't think it's a good idea," he said. Kyle walked down the hallway towards his bedroom.

I didn't think anything about the noise coming from outside until Kyle came back from talking to Dan on the phone.
"Arabella I'm so sorry," he said.
"What?" I asked.
"Someone leaked your suicide attempts," he replied. My heart dropped to my stomach. My hands ran to my face. I began breathing heavily.
"I'll call you a cab," Kyle said. I nodded. Kyle called for a cab and then approached me.
"Maybe you should talk to Dan," he suggested.
"What? No," I shouted.
"You have to," Kyle urged.
"I do not!" I yelled.
"Bella, please-."
"No Kyle! This is the worst possible thing to be happening right now, and you're trying to get me to talk to the last person I want to speak to. Please, just stop," I yelled before storming out of the house and into a mob of photographers yelling questions. I ran to the cab that Kyle had called for me, and got inside.

When I got dropped off at my dads I paid the cab driver and then walked inside. As I shut the door behind me I saw Dan and my dad sitting at the kitchen table.
"You too?" I asked my dad. I ran outside and to the barn. I pulled Arial from her stall and jumped on bareback. I held onto her mane and kicked her to a gallop down the horse trails. As I galloped away I heard Dan yell,
"Arabella wait!" It was too late, we were gone. And of course It'd start pouring down rain.

Arial and I had been riding at a hard gallop for about an hour through the thunderstorm. We had just passed the equestrian park about 10 minutes ago. I have hardly ever ridden on these back trails. They were less maintained, less ridden on, of course they were muddy. Just my luck, Arial got spooked by a close lightning strike. I was thrown through the air, landing in the muddy ditch.

I was in my bedroom packing the last of my things when I heard commotion from downstairs.
"Dan, she doesn't want to see you," I heard my dad say.
"I don't care I'm going to see her," I heard Dan say. Then I heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. Dan was now standing in my doorway, my dad looked at me for approval. I nodded. He pushed past Dan and grabbed two suitcases. "You're leaving?" Dan asked.
"Yes," I replied.
"Where?" he asked.
"I can't tell you," I replied. Dan looked as if he were about to explode. So I began, "I can't tell you because I have to leave you. I have to leave this. I have to leave everything, and everyone, or I'm going to break again. I'd rather leave and start a new life, then die or end up in the hospital again because I've tried killing myself. I'm going somewhere where I'll be looked after, and where I can begin to learn to look after myself. Before you blame yourself, for the record deal, for the stress, don't. I loved you, I do love you. But I'm ready to move on. I'm not just some starstruck bimbo that'll wait and be here when you get back from wherever you are in the world. I'm an artist Daniel, I'm traveling too. I want to see the world, travel America, go to Pompeii because who the hell in the world wouldn't want to visit Pompeii? More importantly, I want to settle down, find a husband, have children. You're 28 years old, and there is no sign of marriage for you in the near future. I'm sorry Dan, I am, this kills me. I don't want to leave you, or my home, my family, but I have too. Please Dan, I'm begging, you have to let me go." He began to cry.
"Then marry me," he suggested.
"Dan, please-."
"Marry me," he interrupted. I started crying.
"You have to let me go," I cried. He hugged me, a tear filled, sob filled hug. We soon released from the hug. I grabbed my final suitcase and Nala's pet carrier. Dan led me down the stairs and out to a cab that was waiting.
"Goodbye Dan Daniel," I said, wiping my tears as I released from the hug.
"Goodbye Arabella Ari," he replied, wiping his eyes. I kissed his cheek before I got into the cab. As the driver pulled away from my life, and my childhood home, I rested my hand on my stomach and sighed,
"Well baby girl, it looks like it's just you and me now."

I'll see you in the future when we're older
And we are full of stories to be told
Cross my heart and hope to die
I'll see you with your laughter lines

Alyssa Lynn Schlicht

Underage, A Dan Smith Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now