Chapter Two

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((The picture is Arabella and Arial))

Chapter Two: The One Night Stand.

I couldn't get this perfect stranger off my mind. The weeks rolled by, weeks turned into three months, no word from Dan. I mean, why would he try to get ahold of me? I could've ruined his life! I was laying on the couch snuggled up to my warm brother when a news report caught my attention,
"Local band Bastille, has made it big with their first US tour in the works. They will be visiting practically every major city in the US on their Bad Blood album tour. Founder of the band and lead vocalist, Dan Smith had a few words to say."
"We never thought that we'd ever be big enough to be playing in the US. But once Pompeii hit number one we knew we had done it. When the album was released it was on top ten almost immediately. People loved us. We've toured all around Europe and the UK, but now we're going to the states, Canada, and hopefully Mexico after. We're so excited for the future." Then I realized it, Dan Smith, was my one night stand. I jumped up.
"That's him," I yelled pointing to the TV.
"Who?" Jason asked.
"Dan! That's Dan. The guy I hooked up with on New Years Eve," I yelled.
"Woah, you got with a celebrity?" Jason asked. I slapped him.
"I've heard Pompeii a million times, he had a music studio! Why didn't I ask?" I asked Jason. He laughed.
"I have to go," I said. I went to my bedroom and got dressed in leggings, a sweater, a scarf, and my riding boots. I then went outside.

I walked behind my house and to the horse barn. My horse Arial, greeted me as I walked in and fed her. We had three horses but my dad was out on his horse checking his sheep herd, my brothers horse was out in the paddock. My mates think it's cool my dad's a sheep herder. I think it's embarrassing. But it is funny when my dad and Jason have to sheer the sheep in the summer. I got Arial's english saddle and bridal, then put them on the saddle rack outside her stall. Arial finished her grain so I got her tacked up and then led her outside.

I rode Arial on the horse trails leading into town. I made the stupid decision to ride to Dan's so I could get my songbook. It was about 8 am, I'm sure he's awake.

Dan was in bed reading my songbook. He admired my beautiful handwriting. He imagined how the songs might play out on the piano. He then thought back to the day when he walked in on me singing. Then unfinished song burnt a hole in his soul. He debated whether he should find me and return the book. He's just enjoyed reading it the past three months.

I was riding Arial down the side streets, avoiding much traffic. Arial didn't mind cars, but we lived so far out of the city, I just wanted to be safe. I tucked my scarf closer to my neck when a sharp breeze sent a chill down my spine, it's almost April for god sakes. I finally spotted Dan's flat. I dismounted Arial and tied her to the lamppost. I gave her a quick kiss as I walked up the path to his front door. I then knocked lightly.

I almost forgot why I went to Dan's when I was greeted by those soul sucking blue eyes.
"Arabella, er, um, hi," Dan said.
"Still awkward are we Dan Daniel?" I teased.
"Still overly confident are we Arabella Ari?" he teased back. He paused for a minute.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I came for my book. Finally got the guts," I replied. He led me inside. I sat on the couch as he went down the hallway. He came back out and sat next to me.
"Okay, this damn song is burning a hole in my soul, pun intended. Please finish it and then let me hear it," Dan said as he sat down.
"You read my book?" I asked. His faced turned a shade of red.
"Sorry," he replied.
"It's fine. Now you know everything I've been through. Everything I've felt," I admitted.

Dan and I sat and drank coffee as we talked about my music.
"Speaking of music, you never told me you were in a band. I saw you on the news this morn. You're going to America," I exclaimed.
"Yeah, it's so mental! Me and the lads never expected this to happen, like ever. It's hard to imagine," Dan replied.
"I'd bet. But it's so cool, I've always wanted to go to America. I'll go visit someday," I said.
"You should just go! When do you graduate," Dan asked.
"Actually I graduated already," I replied.
"Oh really, when?" he asked, genuinely interested. "February, and before you ask, college is a no go for me. Nothing interests me," I admitted. Dan laughed. "Music," he bluntly stated. I looked at the time. "Goodness, I've been here for over an hour," I exclaimed.
"I don't see a problem with that," Dan replied, confused.
"Arial is outside tied to a lamppost," I shouted as I stood up.
"Arial?" Dan asked.
"My horse," I replied.

Dan and I were now outside. Dan was petting Arial. "I didn't know you had a horse," Dan said.
"Yeah, my dads, embarrassingly enough, a sheep rancher. We have three horses," I admitted. Dan laughed.
"That's so cool!" he exclaimed. We shared a good laugh.
"Are you eighteen yet?" Dan asked.
"Last month," I replied. Dan then took my phone, added his number, and texted himself.
"Text me sometime, now that you're legal," Dan teased.
"Technically I was legal," I replied laughing. "Technically you were illegally legal," Dan joked. I mounted Arial.
"Dan Smith, you're a good friend," I said.
"Boom, friend zoned," Dan shouted. We both burst out laughing.
"I'll see you soon Dan Daniel," I said.
"I'll see you soon Arabella Ari," Dan teased. I kicked Arial's sides and we galloped away.

A/N I cannot wait for the next few chapters. They are just... amazing and drama filled and ugh. You'll love it. Xx

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