Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two: Italy

My gran had been sick for awhile, she was my father's mother. But yesterday she died peacefully, surrounded by family. I can't say I was super close with my grandmother, but I was hurt by her death. I can't blame her for not being close with me, we lived in different countries. My grandfather on the other hand, he and I are just like my father and I. My dad and Jason flew out yesterday morning to be with my gran, because we knew she wasn't going to make it. But, of course I had something going on with my album, my label, or my tour, and I couldn't fly out. But today I was able to fly out to be with my family for her visitation, and her funeral tomorrow. Of course Dan was coming with me.

We eventually landed in Italy, regrettably leaving Nala with Kyle, and we were driven to my grandparent's sheep farm, that's where my dad got it from. The cab was put into park. I saw Jason and my dad outside on horses that were tossing them every which way. Dan and I laughed together. We got out of the car and were given our things. Then I saw my grandfather walking quickly down the porch steps.
"Il nonno," I greeted, running towards him.
"Chao Bella," he greeted back as he hugged me tightly.
"Come stai nonno?" I asked.
"Non buono come si BELLA," he replied.
"Nonno, questo è dan," I introduced.
"What's hi in Italian?" Dan whispered to me.
"Culo," I replied.
"Culo," Dan greeted as he shook my grandpa's hand. My grandpa and I burst or laughing.
"Did I say it wrong?" Dan asked.
"Nope, you said it just right Daniel," I replied, still laughing.
"My Bella made you say butt," my grandpa explained to Dan. Dan looked shocked.
"He speaks English. We just like to mess with new people don't we nonno," I asked.
"Yes we do, come Bella," he replied, ushering us inside.

My grandpa led Dan and I to our room and left us to settle.
"He speaks English?" Dan asked. I giggled.
"I'm sorry," I replied, laughing.
"That was so uncool, I don't speak Italian! But I am so learning it," he said. I laughed again.
"My grandma only spoke Italian, but because I was born in London she and my grandfather learned how to speak fluent English, though my grandfather sort of knew English already," I said.
"I'm so confused about your life," Dan replied. I laughed.
"My dad was born and raised on this farm, here in Italy. My mum was born and raised in London. My dad wanted to go to UNI to study farming, and agriculture. My mother was studying music and journalism. They met and fell in love, but my dad always knew he wanted to move back to Italy. So they did, he and my mum. A few years after they lived here, they had Jason, and then moved back to London. My dad was reluctant to move so far, again, but my mum found the ranch that my dad owns now. So they moved, bought some sheep and a few horses, they got some goats and some chickens, and made the place home. And then I was born, now here we are," I replied.
"If you think about it, if it weren't for your mum, we wouldn't have ever met," Dan said as he laid onto the bed. I laid next to him.
"How?" I asked.
"Your mum is the one who found your farm, and got your dad to move everything to London," Dan replied.
"You're right," I said. He kissed me.
"I'm jet lagged," he whispered, closing his eyes. I kissed his forehead and left the bedroom.

My dad and Jason were still struggling to control the two horses. I stood next to my grandfather, who was watching them.
"What's their deal?" I asked.
"The horses? Or your father and brother?" my grandpa asked.
"The horses," I replied, laughing.
"Well, your nonna took them in, she wanted to save them. But then she got sick and wasn't able to care for them. Now your father and Jason are trying to gentle them, maybe take them home, resell them," nonno replied.
"I miss nonna," I admitted.
"She was so proud of you, and your music. She was listening to your album as she passed," my grandfather replied. I smiled.
"Thanks nonno, I needed that," I said. He hugged me, and kissed my temple.

The funeral was dreadful. I couldn't stop crying. The worst part, was that she asked me to sing the song that she died listening to, which was To Build a Home. So I went up, and I sang. Dan had to play the piano because I was too shaky. But now we we're back at my grandparents' house. Dan and I were laying in bed, snuggling.
"Are you okay Arabella?" Dan asked.
"I will be," I replied. He hugged me tighter.
"I'm just glad you were here," I whispered.
"Me too," he whispered back.
"I love you Daniel," I whispered.
"I love you too Arabella," Dan whispered back. I soon fell asleep.

Underage, A Dan Smith Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now