Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: I Hate You Daniel Smith

I walked down the corridors towards Bastille's studio. The lads, their manager Dick, and the producer whom I assumed to be Mark, stood as I entered the room.
"I seriously hate you," I said to Dan. Dan laughed and hugged me.
"You got signed!" he exclaimed. When Dan released me from the hug Mark shook my hand.
"It's nice to meet you," I greeted. Mark nodded shyly.
"The New York tour date is in about two weeks. You have two weeks to get five songs recorded and then meet us in New York," Dick said.
"Doesn't seem like much now but once we get going it'll never be ending," Mark joked. I let out a laugh of nervousness.
"You'll be fine my love," Dan assured me.

Dan dropped me off at my house a few hours later.
"Why'd you do it?" I asked as he put his car in park.
"Do what?" Dan asked.
"Get me the EP deal?" I replied. Dan looked shocked.
"Didn't you want one?" he asked.
"Not really. Dan, I like my simple life with Arial, my annoying brother, and an electric keyboard. I don't ever want to live in the city surrounded with traffic, and laws against riding horses to work," I replied.
"You're going to have to get your license someday Ari," Dan teased.
"You don't understand. The one thing I've ever wanted to do was own a horse stable, that's it. Maybe I'd write books, or songs for other artists on the side. I never wanted this huge lifestyle. This isn't me Dan," I said.
"You have talent Arabella. Why does everyone else see it besides you," Dan asked. I sighed.
"I hate you. You know that right?" I asked.
"Well duh, that's how we work," he teased. I gave him a quick kiss, and then ran inside.
"Arabella," Dan yelled after me. I turned and looked at him.
"I love you," he yelled.
"Okay," I yelled back.
"Okay," he said with a laugh. I walked inside and shut the door behind me.

I walked inside and was bombarded by cheering.
"Happy day you, er, got a record deal!" my dad shouted. He was in the kitchen with a cake and some pizza.
"Where's Jason?" I asked.
"He went back to school, sit, eat, stay awhile," my dad replied. I sat down and took a slice of pizza.
"Are you excited?" he asked.
"I don't know. It's just an EP deal, I guess I'm kind of scared. I don't want to be famous," I replied.
"You can't really help that love, talent like yours, it doesn't come around often," my dad urged. I gave him a glare. "What?" he asked defensively.
"I hate the fact that you're always right," I grumbled. My dad laughed. "Excuse me, but I have to go write a song," I said. My dad smiled, put a piece of cake on my plate, and then I went to my studio.

In two hours I had completed, Ultimate Goodbye, the newest depressing work from yours' truly. It was around ten o'clock pm. I decided to go for a late night ride. I was now in the barn tacking up Arial and when I was done we started riding towards the equine park. When I got there I saw someone, a man, sitting alone on a bench with a horse grazing next to him. As I rode closer, I saw it was Kyle.
"Kyle?" I asked.
"Arabella?" he asked. He seemed upset. I dismounted Arial and sat next to him.
"Why are you here? You leave in six hours. Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked.
"Janna and I got into a fight. I just needed to clear my head," he replied. I put my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around my waist.
"You should go home. I'm sure Janna is regretting the fight as much as you are. What was it about?" I asked.
"Me leaving again, she's complaining she never sees me," Kyle replied.
"The perks of dating a rockstar," I joked. Kyle laughed and then rested his head on mine.
"Go home Kyle. Apologize even if it wasn't your fault. I promise I'll go hangout with Janna while you're all gone," I assured him. I felt Kyle kiss the top of my head.
"Thanks Ari, you go home too. It's late and getting cold," Kyle suggested. I stood up and so did he. We hugged and then he kissed my forehead.
"Thanks Arabella," he said. I buried my head into his chest.
"Why are you and Dan always so warm?" I asked. I felt him slightly chuckle.
"Perks of dating a rockstar," he teased. I laughed and then we released. I watched as Kyle mounted his horse, and then rode away. I love having another older brother.

I laid on the bench Kyle and I sat on for two more hours. I was looking up, watching the stars. Arial was laying on the ground next to me. I got a text from Dan,
"Are you still up?" I replied,
"Come over," he asked after a minute. I text him back,
"You have to come get me." In a few seconds he replied,
"I'm on my way." I put my phone away and mounted Arial. We started our ride home.

When I got home I put Arial away and then went upstairs to get changed. I put on some boxer looking shorts and a big sweatshirt. I slipped on my UGG boots as Dan pulled up. I grabbed my bag, making sure I had my songbook, and then I ran downstairs. I jumped into Dan's car and kissed him.
"Where'd that come from?" Dan asked when we took a breath.
"I saw Kyle tonight. He and Janna got into a fight. I just, never want to leave things with you like that," I replied.
"I promise I will never leave you if we're fighting. I'll stay until we figure it out," Dan assured me. I kissed him again.
"Come on, let's go," I said. Dan started the drive to his flat.

When we got to Dan's we went straight to his bedroom. We were laying in his bed snuggling.
"I love you," Dan whispered as he kissed my head.
"I'm in love with you," I replied. Soon after that, Dan and I recreated the night of New Year's Eve.

Dan woke me up when he got up to shower. I laughed to myself when I saw his bare butt as he walked to the bathroom. That's when I realized, I was also naked. I stood up and put on all my clothes from last night, then I laid back down. In twenty minutes Dan was back, fully clothed, and he was finishing his packing. He finished packing and laid next to me, softly kissing my neck.
"Go away," I grumbled into the pillow. Dan laughed.
"C'mon love, go with me to the airport?" Dan urged.
"No," I grumbled again.
"Why?" Dan asked, laughing. I rolled onto my back and looked up at him.
"Because I don't want you to leave," I whispered. Dan's smile turned to a frown.
"Love, please don't do this," he begged. I sat up and wrapped myself around him.
"I just really love you," I said, my voice cracking as if I were about to cry, which I was. Dan kissed my head.
"I just really love you too," Dan teased into my hair. I giggled, and eventually we left.

At the airport everyone was there with wives or girlfriends saying goodbye. By everyone I mean, the crew, the photographers, their manager, everyone that was leaving with the lads on tour this morning. I saw Will and his girlfriend Des'ree hugging and kissing. Woody gave one simple peck to Chrissy, his wife, and then she left. Kyle was hugging Janna and it looked like they were talking. He looked at me and gave me a smile. Dan turned to me and pulled me into his arms. We didn't speak, we just enjoyed each others presence. That was until his flight was called. He kissed me. It wasn't a simple 'I love you' kiss, it was. A hardcore 'I'll miss you' kiss. I was crying as he picked up his suitcases and started walking away. He turned around once and saw me standing there crying, big mistake. He dropped his bags and ran towards me lifting me into the air and kissing me multiple times. When he set me down he wiped my tears away.
"I'll see you soon," he said.
"See you soon," I replied, sniffling.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I replied. He kissed me one more time and then disappeared into the crowd of airline goers.

Underage, A Dan Smith Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now