Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: First Date.

I stayed at Dan's another hour after the lads had left. They left twenty minutes after I sang my song. It kind of killed the mood. I assumed they all went home to hug their girlfriends. Dan was leading me to the door. I put on my scarf.
"You should sing at The Cafe sometime," Dan suggested.
"I'm more comfortable singing here, with you guys around, or around my family," I replied. I slipped on my riding boots. Dan handed me his jacket.
"What's this for?" I asked.
"It's a lot colder, all you have is that sweater," he replied. I gave him a smile.
"Do you want to go out tomorrow? Lunch, and then maybe a movie?" Dan asked. Dan opened the doorway and then walked me down to Arial.
"I'd love to," I replied.
"I'll pick you up at noon, and have you back by noon the next day," Dan joked. Dan gave me a leg up onto Arial. I laughed.
"I can get up myself onto my own horse you know," I teased. Dan laughed. Dan handed me my bag and I draped it over my shoulders.
"Ride safe," Dan suggested.
"You know Dan Smith, I would say you're worried about me riding home this late? Maybe someone has a crush," I teased. I could see his face get red. He laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow Dan Daniel," I said.
"Till then Arabella Ari," Dan replied. I laughed, and then kicked Arial to a gallop.

It was about midnight when I left Dan's. As soon as I got out of viewing distance of his flat, I let Arial trot, so that the ride home was longer. I enjoyed being out this cold night, just me and my horse. As I was passing by the horse park, a police officer 'pulled me over'.
"Get off the horse miss," he said as he got out of his car. I dismounted Arial.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
"May I see some sort of ID?" he asked. I reached into my bag trying to find my school ID, no luck.
"I can't find it, I must've left it in my purse. Is something wrong?" I asked.
"You're out riding a horse and it's midnight, if you're a minor, you're breaking the law," he replied.
"Good thing I'm eighteen," I said.
"I need some proof or I'll have to drive you home in that," he replied, pointing to his car. I grabbed my phone and went to my birthday date from a few weeks ago.
"My eighteenth birthday, like it says on the event," I said, handing him my iPhone.
"Alright then, next time have your drivers license," he argued. I laughed.
"Is something funny?" he asked snobbishly.
"I don't have a drivers license," I replied.

I was now continuing my ride. The police officer was really confused, like what eighteen year old doesn't have their license? Me. I never wanted to. I know how to drive, frankly I'm quite good at it, I just didn't need to be licensed. I have a horse that I can ride anywhere. Why would I want to drive? I got home 50 minutes later. It takes about an hour to get to Dan's flat, but I had Arial walk the whole way. By the time I put Arial in her stall, and got into bed, it was 3:30 am. I checked my Twitter and I had a bunch of new notifications. Dan had tweeted a picture of me, playing his piano, with the caption,
"The voice of an angel."

The next day Dan picked me up at noon. I was wearing skinny jeans, a cute top, my scarf, and cowgirl boots. I took my bag with me as well. Dan took me to this cafe he enjoyed going to. They had soups and breads. It was cold outside, it was a soup kind of day. After we ordered, Dan and I sipped our teas in silence.
"I've been thinking a lot about what you said, how I should perform my song," I spoke.
"Yeah?" Dan asked.
"I'm going to record it and put it online, put it on social media and stuff," I replied. He looked at me like I was stupid.
"What?" I asked.
"Oi, you're so dumb. You need to perform live," he exaggerated.
"Let's start small, then I promise you I'll perform live," I urged.
"Fine, but you have two months," Dan replied. I gave him a confused look.
"We go on our US tour in two months," he explained. I mentally face palmed.
"I totally forgot. Sorry," I said. Dan reached out and grabbed my hand from across the table.
"I'll spend the most time with you that I can Ari," he urged. I gave him a smile.
"See I knew you liked me," I teased. We both shared a laugh.    

The date went amazing. After we ate we went to a movie, it was some romantic comedy Dan had been wanting to see for awhile but couldn't. Then we went for a stroll in the local park. We laid on the grass and thought of the shapes the clouds made. When he took me back home, he got out of the car with me and held my hands as we said goodbye.
"I think I'm falling in love with you," Dan admitted. "Way to just jump right into things," I teased. Dan laughed.
"It has been an amazing day," he said.
"Yeah," I replied. That's when he kissed me.

Underage, A Dan Smith Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now