hes gone..

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His head slowly started to nod, signalling Joyce to close the gate. He was beaten, very beaten. Joyce could barely look at him in that state, she nervously looked at him trying to tell him no but her words couldn't be heard.

Her eyes started to fill up with tears as she locked with his eyes, staring at each other for what felt like years. His face was swollen and dripping with blood, her neck was bruised and head was grazed previously from when the Russian attacked her just minutes before.

She realised the gate needed to be closed so she slowly adjusted her grip not letting her eyes leave Hopper's. She pulled the belt letting her hand follow, turning the controls one after another.

The room flashed a blinding white light across it, followed by a loud bang echoing through the lab. Joyce weakly shielded her eyes from this horrible scene happening in front of her. The gate was closed at last, Hawkins was safe... no monsters no nothing. The people were safe.

The light began to fade, making Joyce instantly remove her hand from her eyes. She scanned her eyes around the large room in hope of finding Hopper standing there. Her arms dropped, no remains were left of him. The room remained lifeless, not a single soul moved around. Only Joyce, standing there lost for words. He was gone, Chief Jim Hopper was gone... Joyce stood there, not moving a single muscle..

Joyce: h-hop...

Joyce: no... you can't be gone... p-please come back

Joyce: you can't be gone hopper... please don't leave me, I love you...

She began to tear up and collapsed against the wall. She buried her head into her knees. Her sobbing echoed through the room which was empty, not a single soul. Except Joyce... she stood up, still sobbing until she sniffled up and stomped her foot on the ground


Joyce: UGH! WHY! WHY?!

She began pulling her hair out and throwing herself across the room, Her cries got louder until she stepped out of the room and collapsed against the wall.

Murray ran towards her, clueless of what had just happened. He saw her crying and he ran faster, wanting to see what's wrong. He gently but frantically grabbed her shoulders.

Murray: Jim? Where's Jim?!

Joyce: H-
-she breaks down into tears-

Murray: Oh my....

Murray: Are you okay?


Murray: sorry-.. let's just.. head outside

They began to walk outside, but Joyce looked back to check if he was there. But he didn't appear in sight. She hung her head and caught up to Murray who was walking briskly towards the exit.

They stepped out of the lab into the car park which was empty, just their car parked in the corner. The sky was dark and the street lights lit up the town.

Joyce took a small break and stared up into the sky and thought to herself...

Joyces POV:

hopper... if your up there... just so you know...I'm sorry, this should've never happened. I love you deeply but I guess that's over.. I guess Friday is cancelled too.. At least your in a better place, away from this sh** hole. I will miss you but I can't bring you back. I'm sorry. I've caused this, I made you die, I made you never come back... but... I guess this it, I'll never see you again hop... but all of these memories hurt to look at but I guess I cannot make anymore. Hopper I will love you always and never forget me because I'll never forget you. You will always have a place saved in my heart...

Murray: Are you ready to go

Joyce: mhm..

3rd person

Joyce got into the car, mascara stains down her cheeks and the blood stain from her head. She was a mess, who knew this past hour could've changed her life forever. She stared into the nights sky as Murray drove off to the mall, where the kids were, the roads were deserted and the whole car was silent.

They arrived in the mall car park not only to see ambulances, police and firefighters but a burning mall. Joyce immediately felt a sense of anxiousness, she now didn't know if her sons were even alive. She tried to look for them but people blocked her view, her back started to sweat and she felt as if she was being strangled by someone 2 times the size of her.

They got out of the car and walked across the car park to where the crowd of people stood. They stood amongst the crowd but Joyce turned away. She looked around everywhere for her sons until she lay her eyes on Will, they made brief eye contact until Will jumped up and ran towards his mother. Joyce felt relief coming her way but she didn't know if Johnathan was still there. She started to cry as Will jumped into her arms and hugged her tightly.

Joyce: I was so worried, I'm so glad your okay

Will: It's not about me, you risked your life for this town...

They both were in tears as they hugged but Joyce looked up to see Eleven walking out of the ambulance looking around for her father. Joyce kept her eyes on her and started to tear up, little did Eleven know Hopper would never come back. She finally lay her eyes on Joyce and looked at her confused. She couldn't see her father anywhere until she saw a tear roll down Joyce's face. She then realised...


Welcome to my story!!
I hope you enjoy the rest of this! I have tried to do this as best as I can so you all don't think it's boring lol. If any of you have ever tried writing one you will understand how much time it takes! But trust me if you are planning to... music is the way to go! It has helped me so much throughout this! Anyways,  have fun reading the rest and have a good day/night :)


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