lost in chicago

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Hoppers POV

Okay.. where to go it's like a maze here there's so many people and buildings, nothing compared to Hawkins.
I might go ask someone.. he looks nice ill go ask him.

Hop: Hey do you know the way to Illinois

Man: Yeah, follow the signs take a left and you will see another sign saying welcome to Illinois. Here's my number if you get lost
-he smiles-

Hop: I appreciate it man thank you

Man: Call me Jack and no bother!

Hop: Well, bye jack!

Jack: Good luck!

Okay... follow the sign follow the sign? Oh sign! Wait 14 miles away?! You are kidding me! I cannot walk that

Joyce's POV

This city is huge! I love it, it's so.. modern and so many people
Wait... that man over there seems familiar have I seen h-
No... it can't be...
Joyce your being stupid it's not, he's dead!

Hopper's POV

Why is that woman staring at me it's giving me the chills however she looks awfully familiar could it be? No it's not she lives in Hawkins, I'll just ignore her it's not Joyce.. I miss her I wonder how she's doing.

Focus Jim your trying to get to Larry!
Right, Follow the signs.. Ugh 13.9 miles to go unless, I get a bus
Great thinking Jim!

Joyce's POV

I can't get his face out of my mind... he just looked so so familiar, it's the beard...
Just ignore it.. he's probably some random guy! There could be tons of guys that look like him I'm just going to get on with my day...

Hop: 1 ride to Illinois please

Driver: Okay get on

Hop: Thank you

Jack: Oh hey!

Hop: Jack! What are you doing here

Jack: I'm going to see my sister

Hop: I'm going to my friends, I don't usually leave the place that I live but something happened and I cannot go back.. it's a long story of how I ended up here

Jack: Where did you live?

Hop: Hawkins

Jack: Oh I've heard about that, isn't that the place where lots of monsters were and people went missing?

Hop: -sighs- Yes.. I was chief police so I was on the hunt a lot for people.. one of them being a 12 year old boy who was really close to dying but I saved him.

Jack: Must have been scary right?

Hop: Yeah very...

-2 mins later-

Jack: Oh we're here! Do you need anymore directions..

Hop: Yeah my friend lives in a street called Crescent Close.. number 1490 where is that?

Jack: You see that cut there? It's just straight down and to the right

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