its now or never

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Hoppers POV

Okay I need to think... what could I start this third and final letter... but where do I ask her?
I swear I saw a nice restaurant down in the city or I could hope she goes down to Hawkins... to see Mike for Christmas.. and ask her to Enzo's.. for the 2nd time hoping she doesn't stand me up again..

I'm sure it was an accident though.. she is to nice to do that to someone. She's.. She's just perfect...

Roses are red,
I want your lips on mine...

Meet me at Enzos..
Where we can dine

Yours forever,
Your secret admirer♡︎

Thursday 7pm

Am I really going to do this... I mean it's now or never I guess... this is my only chance to finally get what I've been wanting for who knows how long.

Joyce's POV

I can't wait to surprise the kids with a trip to Hawkins.. They will be over the moon and I love seeing them happy. We're leaving tomorrow morning and hopefully the Wheelers have room for us, Oh I cannot wait to catch up with the people I've known for 22 years of my life.


-they come downstairs-

Will: Mom it's 11pm I'm tired

Joyce: Too bad, okay El, Will, Johnathan go get some clothes and essentials together and put them in a bag please

Will: Packing.. at this time of night, you've got to be joking

Joyce: I am not joking and go gather your things please Will, do you want this surprise or what

Will: Fine...

El: Ooo I'm excited!

Joyce: See you in the morning!

The next day
Hoppers POV

The Byers are packing the car.. must mean they are going somewhere.


3rd person

Sweat was dripping from Hoppers head, His whole body was aching with nerves.. He was about to do something huge.

He clutched the letter and waited nervously for a clear coast out in the bitter winter morning.

Joyce finally went inside and Hopper quickly slid the letter into her travel bag which was laying in the snow. He ran back inside, hoping she didn't see him. He took a big sigh of relief, now that was off his chest but he still needed to find a way to get to Hawkins without Joyce seeing him.

Joyce came back out of the house but hopper couldn't keep his eyes off her. She looked gorgeous in that beige winter coat and her brown, wavy hair gracefully flowing with the bitter breeze. This could be a massive step in his life where he can settle down with the one person he loves and be reunited with his daughter.

Meet me at Enzos..- Jopper fanficWhere stories live. Discover now