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2 weeks later:
Hoppers POV

My feet feel dead. This place is like a never ending tunnel, like... the labyrinth! But it seems familiar. I swear I've been here in the past.

Then it clicked, Approximately 1 year ago I was here... saving Will Byers, poor kid he was here for months fighting for survival and he did... I've had no food for a week I'm starving and these tunnels don't seem to be going anywhere.

What if I just give up? No Jim your doing this for Joyce.. oh Joyce I hope your safe,  I'm doing all I can to get to you...

Do I have food in my pocket? I'm sure I left a snicker in there.. anything will do there's nothing here... that's edible of course. Why is there matches? I don't remember bringing these. Did Murray put them here? I could start a fire to warm me up.
Didn't Will say something about liking cold? How did it go.. Was it She? He? They? It even? "Wait He likes it cold" and matches are hot when you strike them.. what if I?

I struck the match and a flame appeared, instantly lighting up the tunnel. There was no choice but to throw the burning match on the ground.

Screaming echoed down the tunnel, Wow these guys hate warmth haha. Oh sh** I have to get out of here.. I need to run. Now.

20 minutes passed

Where am I? I'm not in a tunnel it seems to be some sort of building? But it doesn't seem like Hawkins, it seems like it's a lab down towards Chicago... This could lead me to freedom I have to get out of here. But I don't know my way back... I did get a C- in Geography but that was 20 years ago..

This is bad I have no supplies and no food, but I forgot one of my distant friends lives up at Illinois but how do I even get there from here, the world is a big place how do you expect me to know everywhere? But I'll get there...


-Ik this is short but it takes longer than you think lol-

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